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Use Camera Path + Incremental Add

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  • Use Camera Path + Incremental Add

    So I did the pre-calc for the irrandiance map using single frame + use camera path. In general it was good except a few areas that are only seen at the beginning of the animation which were very messy apparently due to lack of detail in the IR map.

    So I thought I would be clever, un-check 'use camera path' and switch to 'incremental add to current map'. That way I could keep all the work I've already done and simply add to the area that needed more detail by doing a region render on a single frame.

    However when I did that it seemed to completely erase the old map since it went from 109mb down to 5.

    Is there not a way to add to a map that was done with the 'use camera path' option?
    Tim Nelson

  • #2
    Gonna watch out for an awnser to this one myself.


    • #3
      that's supposed to work, unless you did multiframe incremental instead which does erase the map first.


      • #4
        Originally posted by werticus View Post
        that's supposed to work, unless you did multiframe incremental instead which does erase the map first.
        No, I did use incremental add, so thats why I was confused as to why the orig. vrmap got erased. I'll have to try it again later to see if it was somehow an error on my part, as crazy as that sounds.
        Tim Nelson


        • #5
          It should work, or at least i did this before. Try this: open the scene, load the old irradiance map and lc from file and start rendering, once VRay starts rendering you cancel the render process. Now switch to incremental add and render again. If i remember it correctly you need to have the irradiance loaded to the RAM to get this work, thats why you first load it from file. I could be wrong tho.

          Incremental add to current map - in this mode V-Ray will use the irradiance map that is already in memory and will only refine it in places that don't have enough detail.

          If nothing helps you can also move the camera to the problematic area, render and save the irradiance map and use the irradiance map viewer to combine both irradiance maps.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Olli96 View Post
            It should work, or at least i did this before. Try this: open the scene, load the old irradiance map and lc from file and start rendering, once VRay starts rendering you cancel the render process. Now switch to incremental add and render again. If i remember it correctly you need to have the irradiance loaded to the RAM to get this work, thats why you first load it from file. I could be wrong tho..
            Hey thanks, I think thats working now. Probably what I did before was open the file, and try to add to the current map without having loaded it. I thought just because it was already set to 'from file' that it would understand which map i wanted to add to. It makes sense now though.
            Tim Nelson

