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3dsMax + VRayToon LINE solution to Glass Sketchup problem?

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  • 3dsMax + VRayToon LINE solution to Glass Sketchup problem?

    Hi all

    I have a round glass and curved building modelled in sketchup. Problem is the joins in the glass was modelled as just lines (each window is a polygon).
    So when I render it in max it looks like one HUGE piece of glass without any joins. Can use VRayToon to bring out the lines?

    Alternatively can I go into subobejct mode, select all edges, copy and then detach. Then make those lines renderable with thickness of say 10mm and just render them black?

    How do you guys deal with this issue?
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    Would taking the smoothing off work for you (if I understand you correctly..)



    • #3
      how do you take the smoothing off?
      Kind Regards,


      • #4
        You can either remove all smoothing groups via edit poly or apply a smooth modifier but leave "auto" unchecked. - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


        • #5
          You could use a mix map in your refraction slot that mixes pure white and black, then use a vrayedgestex as the mix.


          • #6
            There wasnt much time to mess around so I ended up using the sketchup render and just overlaying some fake reflections in photoshop

            The problem with the glass is that it is about 20mm thick, has a front face, and a back face, but no top or bottom face, for the "joins" there was just lines drawn onto the front face. So naturally it looks perfect in sketchup, but suck big time in anything else. Ie one HUGE, Gigantic glass thing covering my whole building
            Kind Regards,

