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Fly through animation question

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  • Fly through animation question

    I've followed the tutorial from the online manual for setting up my LC and IR for my exterior fly through animation and it is coming out well for the most part. I'm having two issues, the reflections off glossy looking materials appear to behave strangely.

    Given that I am running my LC/IR first then rendering the final frames from saved GI data why would my specular reflections differ from frame to frame? Or is this more likely a material sampling rate issue?

    Here are two sequential images, notice that the specular highlight on the black car completely changes from the first frame to the second
    Click image for larger version

Name:	GarageCam_0003.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	111.7 KB
ID:	870156

    Click image for larger version

Name:	GarageCam_0002.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	111.7 KB
ID:	870155

  • #2
    Hi David,

    Make sure you have your mode set to multiframe incremental under the Irradiance tab settings. Otherwise your glossies will flicker.
    Mike Henry


    • #3
      i set it to "incremental add to current map" and rendered every 5th frame, i guess i'll redo the IR map with your suggested setting and try again


      • #4
        It's nothing to do with the irradiance map. Turn on subpixel mapping, turn on clamp output and check the glossy settings of the material.
        If you're using 'use light cache for glossy rays' try switching that too.

        I'm not sure which of those it is, but it'll be one.


        • #5
          Hi David,

          I miss spoke, I ment to say make sure you have your mode set to fly-through under your Light Cache tab. Sorry for the confusion.
          Mike Henry


          • #6
            Originally posted by MHenry View Post
            Hi David,

            I miss spoke, I ment to say make sure you have your mode set to fly-through under your Light Cache tab. Sorry for the confusion.
            No problem Mike, that is the setting I used. Also, I tried setting the mode from screen to world and played with the sample size. At this point I'm leaning more towards it being material related an not GI related however I'm a novice at animating in vray so I'm sure this will take some time for me to understand. The shadows under and through my trees are flickering but I think this might be a completely different issue.

            I'm going to attempt the suggestions "cubicalgangster" suggested as soon as vray gives me my processors back


            • #7
              Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
              It's nothing to do with the irradiance map. Turn on subpixel mapping, turn on clamp output and check the glossy settings of the material.
              If you're using 'use light cache for glossy rays' try switching that too.

              I'm not sure which of those it is, but it'll be one.
              which glossy settings in the material are you referring to? It's a vray material with reflection value of 40, subdivs are 32 "use interpolation" is not checked as per my findings reading through the manual - anything else I should look at in the material?


              • #8
                Sorry a question, using lightcache to world in scale rollout, and using switch to saved map is not possible to get the right and enough lightcache solution for the entire sequence of frames?
                Thanks a lot in advance
                Workstation: Asus p9x79WS I7 3930K Noctua NH-D14@4200GHz SE2011 16GB RAM Kingston Hyperx Beast SSD 500Gb Samsung x2 SATA3 WD raid edition4 64MB GTX760 2GB DDR5 CoolerMaster 690III



                • #9
                  In my opinion and experience so far I haven't seen any useful difference using the world scale but i'm sure someone else must know. The manual states that "This value might work better for fly-through animations, since it will force constant sample density everywhere."

                  To me, saying "might work better" means try it and find out :\

