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Multiple Zdepth elements with Vray Frame buffer

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  • Multiple Zdepth elements with Vray Frame buffer

    I have a scene with multiple cameras and Zdepth elements for each camera (cause the zdepth min. and max. need to be different for each camera). I used to work with the standard Max framebuffer, which alows you to enable/disable each element. But now I'm using linear workflow, I'm using the Vray framebuffer. When you enable a renderelement, it tells you the Vray framebuffer wil handle the output by itself.
    But with 7 different cameras and therefor 7 zdepth elements, it will write 7 zdepth files for every render!

    Is there a way to enable/disable the renderelements with the Vray framebuffer?

    I'm using Vray 1.50 SP5. The renders are saved as .TGA files via the "split render channels" option.


  • #2
    +1 for this (on the wish list) or I haven't been able to figure out how to individually turn vray renderelements on/off without deleting them. It would be a useful feature.

    .... . .-.. .--. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . ... . -. -.. -.-. .... --- -.-. --- .-.. .- - .
    I need a new signature
    Max2017.1 | Vray 3.70.01| win11
    ASUS Z790PLUS | i9 13900K | 64Gb RAM | Geforce GTX4070Ti


    • #3
      You can turn off the vray VFB switch on some elements to stop them going out but for things like this something like render pass manager is a really good plugin. If you've got a scene with multiple cameras, or multiple object sets / matte settings then it's the only way to go. Have a look at - the non registered version will let you make 2 passes without a license so you can try it out before buying. Well worth it though, grant is a great programmer and it'll cover all the vray settings.


      • #4

        It seems to me that there is a real opportunity for Vray to have some built in pass manager, like RPM. This would be very helpful as opposed to resorting to yet another plugin (no disrespect to RPM -everyone I know using RPM, loves it). But having a pass manager fully integrated with the render just seems like the obvious choice to me...
        David M. Foster


        • #5
          I've been testing the new option in Vray 2.0 of the VRayZDepth render element "zdepth use camera clip boundaries", and it could help in these cases without using any extra software. But, if camera clipping is disabled these boundaries are ignored.
          I think there are two possible wishes that could solve the problem: either having an extra option to use environment ranges or to having it always use clipping ranges, ignoring if camera clipping is enabled or not.

          (Tested on VRay DEMO 2.00.01)


          • #6
            This might prove handy -


            • #7
              Thanks joconnell, I wasn't aware of that script. Looks handy, and free too? I'll give that a try.
              David M. Foster

