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VRay displacement update?

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  • VRay displacement update?

    Have not seen anything about it in awhile, will VRay displacement allow
    using procedural maps at some time? Last time I looked it was images
    "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."

  • #2
    3D displacement works with procedurals everything I have tried works, except the falloff map. Check out this scene using procedurals and multi-sub on a single mesh

    I've been meaning to post that in the Bug secton, Vlado if you read this, anyway to get the falloff map to work? be great for rendering large areas of displacement without displacing stuff way off in the distance.
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      Thanks RErender, will give it a shot.
      Often the pain of trying something that does not work lingers so I am less
      likely to try it again. Since time is so limited for me I often do not have
      the time to go back and fight old demons, or keep up with the board topics.
      Man this board is great.
      "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


      • #4
        hey RErender, on that topic when I use noise for my bump map the OpenGL Viewport is differant to the render, in the viewport the maps are a lot bigger (%1000 or so) just a bit anoying to have to keep checking them.
        can you shed any light on this?

        oh and did you get the fall off displacemnet working with scanline? I thought it would be a great idea to have the edges of an object displaced but the center bump mapped, best of both worlds but I couln't get it to work, tell me you go it working...... please,please,please


        • #5
          when I use noise for my bump map the OpenGL Viewport is differant to the render, in the viewport the maps are a lot bigger (%1000 or so) just a bit anoying to have to keep checking them.
          I stumbled on this too. With the same settings in the displacement modifiers the map effects look very different when applied directly in the modifier vs. in the material. The material version starts to look similar when the strength spinner of the map is reduced to 50%. But it still looks more chaotic.

          example with map in modifier:

          example with map in material:

          example with map in material 50%:



          • #6
            That's beacuse you have max displacement turned on as well, so the object is displaced twice. Turn off the max displacement in the render scene dialog.
            Torgeir Holm |


            • #7
              Originally posted by R2J2
              hey RErender, on that topic when I use noise for my bump map the OpenGL Viewport is differant to the render, in the viewport the maps are a lot bigger (%1000 or so) just a bit anoying to have to keep checking them.
              can you shed any light on this?
              Are you using a very small noise map? If so you are probably seeing the limitations of OpenGL texture size. Open GL textures in max are maximum 1024x1024 pixels, usually smaller depending on your settings.
              Torgeir Holm |


              • #8
                hmmmm.... I'll have a look, I thought it was being funny because the same map will render correct in scanline, then change to realy small with VRay


                • #9
                  That's beacuse you have max displacement turned on as well, so the object is displaced twice. Turn off the max displacement in the render scene dialog.
                  Thanks, egz. That helped.


