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Multiscatter or Forest Pro?

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  • #31
    i'm using MS and Forest in the same time, but i have to say that i'm convince by the easy interface from Forest. The hability to "cut off" the proxys by camera is a really powerfull tool.
    But, Multipainter is really more accurate for placing object and also for editing precisly! I can move object on the Z axis with Ms for example.
    (And for now i'm working on the last forest's beta on Max 2012, i've some bad problems with the nitrous viewport, in editing mode the cloud display disappear... Annoying to place object... The only way of place manually object is to display on proxy or... meshes... heavy or not accurate... as you want? But I hope they can find an issue)

    Ms is younger than Forest... So Icube have to progress to be compared to the itoo team imo, and for now they have done some really good job on multiscatter. The multiscatter texture is a really cool one too!

    For the subscription, as sayd before, i'm agree with it... 50€ (or $?) a year isn't a big price for all the help forest give on my days... And i'm happy to participate a little bit for the employees...
    i ll be back


    • #32
      You can also use something like Hamachi with the Vray and Forest licenses, I'm doing that and it works fine, as long as there is a network/internet connection.
      With earlier Forest versions, a slight network interruption resulted in very annoying alerts and required max restarts though (I think that was improved recently), so I simply started to activate it on my different computers.
      Marc Lorenz
      ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


      • #33
        ... one more vote for forest pro
        ... i also use both and have to say multiscatter is also working fine
        ... forest pro workflow, user interface ... suits me more and not to forget the support and company policy and ...
        but thats very personal opinion ... take whatever suits you more


        • #34
          Originally posted by raistlin View Post
          But, Multipainter is really more accurate for placing object and also for editing precisly! I can move object on the Z axis with Ms for example.
          To move the items on Z you must turn off Surface->Custom Edit mode->Link to Surface.

          (And for now i'm working on the last forest's beta on Max 2012, i've some bad problems with the nitrous viewport, in editing mode the cloud display disappear
          What video card and drivers do you use ?
          Is there some difference turning off Adaptative Degradation in Max ?

          PS: if you like, reply me by e-mail or in the Itoo Software forum, to not convert this thread into a support channel.
          Carlos Quintero
          iToo Software


          • #35
            You're Right i'll continue with you by mail...

            Thanks for the placement tips!
            i ll be back

