I cannot seem to get any inclusion from this light type..
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Can vray domelights be included as a vraylightselect pass ?
u need gi pass
but keep beauty too and if ur comp dont work at the end just substract your beauty from comp and ull get missing pixels. Some time ago i findout that there was gi bug with vray not sure if its still there. Let me know how it goes my renders are still going hehe.
ok. Ive managed to get all my passes into aftereffects and that is fine but Im confused about the GI pass...If I have a GI pass with all light passes off it just leaves the GI pass rather than no gi. I realise this is correct but how do I do the lightpasses with GI contribution so I dont have to render the GI pass. If this is the way it is supposed to work then I would not find this very usable in production.
Regarding the large areas. This is really my first large area so Im having to experiment with different solutions. At the moment Im using proxy objects. Self built rocks and grass that use masks for position. A lot of tinkering with the mask and settings for multiscatter and also multitexture to get it to look good.
Wouln't mind seeing your render if you can show it
U dont need to disable lights and re render scene to get GI.. .Hell u need lights to get Gi in 1st place... or I understand you wrong...
All you need to do once you set up ur scene for beauty render is to tick in render elements passes like
Shadows - optional
and Light select for each light - remember to change names.
And thats all you need as far as I remember to get ur render right.