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Artifacts (New?)

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  • Artifacts (New?)

    Just rendered an updated test for an animation I'm working on and I've come across some artifacts that I've never seen before.

    None of the asphalt, concrete or under car materials use reflections. The asphalt is a Blend type material and one of the blended materials has a Composite for the Diffuse. The manhole cover and the drainage grate are both modeled and placed in a slight indentation in the street.
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    I did receive quite a few overbright warnings but these have never really posed a problem in the past.

    I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the wheels of the car intersection the road.

    Or maybe the road has too few polygons? I've created it with about four subdivisions to the length of the car.

    Has anyone else had problems like this yet?


  • #2
    Well it seems to have to do with MB. So first I went through and tried to eliminate all Interpolated Glossiness. Apparently I missed one because even on "Very Low" settings the Irrad Map is going through five passes.

    Anyone know of a quick way to check for Interpolation settings? Is there a way to check for or just turn this feature off in all materilas through script?



    • #3
      Pretty quick and dirty but it should get the job done
      I put in a control for subs so your not waiting for glossies at 50, just change the 6 to whatever you want or rem it out with two dashes "--" at the start of the line.

      Just drag it to a tool bar...


      for n = 1 to scenematerials.count do
      scenematerials[n].refraction_useInterpolation = off
      sceneMaterials[n].refraction_subdivs = 6
      scenematerials[n].reflection_useInterpolation = off
      sceneMaterials[n].reflection_subdivs = 6

      Eric Boer


      • #4
        Wow Thanks bro, the script worked great and I'm sure I'll use it in the future but I guess that wasn't the problem.

        It's strange that I'm getting 5 Imap passes when set to "Very low"

        Any idea what else could do this?

        I've just realized what is actually happening...

        The artifacts are actually holes showing the background through the street just under the car.



        • #5
          Did you check interpolated glossies but left the default min max settings for the glossy material in the reflect/refract interpolation rollouts? If thats the case you have 5 passes because the material is at -3 0 and the imap is at -4 -3(very low), so you have -4 0 which is 5 passes.
          reduce the glossy material's min/max interpolation to match the imap's one.



          • #6
            My pleasure I actually had planned to write a tool to control interpolated glossies but sheleved it because I thought the interp globals would be added soon.

            As far as the 5 passes it has to be the glossies somewhere, the script only works on single materials if you have any multi-sub mats I would look in there, also even hidden objects with interpolated glossies will show up in the pass count, lastly I thought I rememberd that even unused materials in the ME could effect it but I was not able to reproduce it now.

            Odd that it is showing the environment , maybe increasing the max depth of the reflections might help? Also I would try increasing the max transparency in the render globals, I assume your not using refraction on the road but it looks a lot like the same problem.
            good luck
            Eric Boer


            • #7
              J_Bug, it's a rare problem with motion blur (some numerical precision loss), try changing the geometry of the road, or tilting it slightly to one side, or scaling the scene if it's too big, or use Analytic motion blur.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                J-Bug - did vlado's suggestion solve anything?

                The reason I ask is that I have seen some similar things on a couple of my renders, but I ain't using no motion blur or anything like that. I thought I was being dumb, so ignored the issue and pshopped it out.


                • #9
                  J-Bug - did vlado's suggestion solve anything?

                  The reason I ask is that I have seen some similar things on a couple of my renders, but I ain't using no motion blur or anything like that. I thought I was being dumb, so ignored the issue and pshopped it out.
                  It's likely to happen only with qmc moblur for axis-oriented faces; the reason for your artifacts is probably different.

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the info Valdo , I'll try that now. Over the weekend I rendered it out with a solidify mod added to the ground plane and it seemed to be a good workaround but I'm glad to hear of a better fix

                    I'll keep you posted.
                    I wish I could just pshop it out but this is planned to be an animation and I want to add some fx layers in post so I'll have to get it as clean as I can.

                    Thanks again,


                    • #11
                      It worked with a little help from the noise modifier.

