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Max LWF Vs. Maya LWF

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  • Max LWF Vs. Maya LWF

    Hello everybody,

    sorry if I bring the topic under the spotlight once more, it's a sort of neverending story for me, I promise it's something that hasn't been discussed yet.

    I'd like to know if there is any difference between Maya and Max when activating the LWF button in the vray color mapping panel. The question is direct to Vlado or anyone who knows exactly what I am talking about. I ask this question because spot 3D discourage the use of it for Max and incourage the use of it for Maya. (see Nederhost workflow)

    For what I know spot3d says that using it in max is wrong because it is only to convert the old gamma 1 scene to 2.2. We are used to think that using this button will deliver an incorrect lwf render. To be honest in my opinion it looks correct and all the other maps and values are more manageable than when i use the lwf from the gamma & lut panel. Vlado can you confirm that using the LWF button in Max is wrong? and that the correct way is to load everything in gamma 1 except the diffuse textures at 2.2? Can you confirm as well that it is correct to use it in Maya?

    For what I have read it seems like that using this button in Maya is so intelligent that it will automatically understand when a texture needs to be loaded in gamma 1 or 2.2 without having to care about it. it sounds to be that magic button. Vlado con you confirm this?

    If so, can we get the same functionality in Max? Is it possible to have this button working magically as in maya. If it so, we probably deserve it more than maya users


    Last edited by ARTECONI-CGI; 06-08-2012, 05:25 PM.

  • #2
    I think its not recommended in Maya as well. However I still use it (I'm a Maya user), you only need to be aware it doesn't affect some things it shouldn't and does affect some things it shouldn't. It's not a big deal if your image looks good at the end of the day as thats all that matters.

    But 3DS Max has a proper workflow with Gamma. Maya is still in the stone age in this regard and still have to manually gamma correct everything which is why I just resort to using the simple tickbox and probably why its in V-Ray.

    But yes, I'd love to officially here from Vlado about this. Recently they added support for ammount textures but pulled it, I'd love to know the details on why the Linear workflow tickbox isn't the best way.
    Last edited by snivlem; 06-08-2012, 08:57 PM.
    Maya 2020/2022
    Win 10x64
    Vray 5


    • #3
      Hi Snivlem,

      thanks for the reply. Ok, so you confirm that the LWF button in Maya is a shortcut to the lwf (not 100% correct)?

      I have assumed that the Nederhost workflow is the way to go in Maya considering the fact that it is published on spot 3d: the chaosgroup "official" manual to vray. It will be great to have some guide from chaosgroup as mental images does per mental ray. They don't just tell what the button does but explains the right workflows for production, skin and architectural rendering. They teach you how to achieve a good result. It will help clarify a lot if you can give us an official guide explaining the correct procedures and workflows for max and maya about lwf. I'm not really happy to hear what looks good is good. I'd like to have a general guide on how to get it to look good. the infos are a little bit too much confused and confusing in my opinion for a newbie. As a owner of a license I'd like to get direction from who makes the software and not rely on random tutorial that I find online. Other topics a little bit confusing in my opinion are: how to get a flickrfree and noise free animation with moving objects ALWAYS. And the Dmc sampler that now works differently from before. Can we please get instructed on the software we are using, Vlado? I keep on doing guessworks and putting my hope on the latest unofficial tutorial i find online. (see Demystifying the dmc sampler). I think we have the right to know.

      Last edited by ARTECONI-CGI; 07-08-2012, 02:11 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ARTECONI-CGI View Post
        I think we have the right to know.
        This isnt true for anything else in the world. It might be nice, but bmw dont tell you how to drive when you buy a car from them. They tell you all the technical stuff in the manual (like chaos group and spot3d), but how to drive it they leave up to you.


        • #5
          Ok maybe they don't teach you to drive. I'm not asking a free vray course, I'm saying that getting basic information from the producer is much better than relying to unofficial sources. I think there are 3 or 4 topics that needs to be more understandable: correct LWF, dmc sampler.... It will be a superb service to have those things clear and printed in a pdf. we wouldn't have to write tons of redundant posts and will feel safer because suggested by the software house. meanwhile it is sad to say that i get confused from the same software house.... once, to remove noise, i would have raised the max value in the adaptive dmc, (and reduced the threshold) nowadays if i raise it in some conditions it gives more noise. this is confusing, having a document that clarify it once and forever will only be helpful and make the company shine to the user base eyes! added value to an already great service. The same happens with lwf. button off in max, button on in maya... why don't just make a doc that everybody can download and check the software house opinion about those basic topics.

          10 year ago I have bought Lightwave 6.5 and it was including a printed manual of more than 1000 pages, nowadays max includes a brilliant online help, I'm just asking for 10 pages of pdf...


          • #6
            Originally posted by ARTECONI-CGI View Post
            I think we have the right to know.
            well, I reckon they're not hiding any fundamental truth about rendering from us


            • #7
              Ok I have probably exaggerated with this last sentence. It's probably more appropriate in a court room than a forum. I apologise. I am just trying to improve what already is an excellent customer service.

              They're not hiding any truth but they're not making it 100% clear as well.
              Last edited by ARTECONI-CGI; 08-08-2012, 03:03 AM.


              • #8
                I understand what you're saying ARTECONI-CGI about the necessity of documenting features thouroughly. Actually chaosgroup is so reactive and responsive that many features requested by users are usually integrated pretty fast. Dare I say maybe too fast ? Because adding a feature is only a part of the answer, documenting the feature is another almost as important part. I don't recall how many times I struggled to understand how to properly use some features. I reckon that after some years using v-ray, now simply experiment by myself with the new features and usually sort it out. And if I can't, well there is this great forum where I never had a question unanswered. Actually the fact is that all of the infos and details about every aspect of vray are there, scattered among the forum posts. That's a good thing, but not as good as a centralized, detailed documentation officially maintained by the developer.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by ARTECONI-CGI View Post
                  I'm just asking for 10 pages of pdf...


                  Last edited by Neilg; 08-08-2012, 07:27 AM.


                  • #10
                    Hi Theedge,

                    Thanks for your reply, I appreciate the fact that you understand my point of view. I know how reactive chaosgroup is about their software but I still belive that having a proper documentation will help a lot to clarify fundamental topics.




                    • #11
                      We appreciate your concerns and indeed in some cases it takes time for the new features to be described properly in the documentation. This is due to the fact that our main effort is concentrated on developing the software, clearing the bugs and adding new functionality almost everyday. We are trying our best to keep up with the help files and documentation. As you know we also have a youtube channel with tutorials and we are adding more whenever there is need.
                      Please be patient and let us know every time when you find something missing in the documentation that you need.
                      Meanwhile we try to answer your questions here and over email as thoroughly as possible and help you guys with your set ups and renderings.
                      Best regards,
                      Zdravko Keremidchiev
                      Technical Support Representative

