I'd like to create a simple little glow around an object with a VrayLightMtl on it.
Using the Vray Lens Effects it works, but it applies it also to other objects with the same material.
It's possible to exclude or include objects to the effects?
Thanks a lot!
I've tried also the 3dsmax standard Lens EFfects, but when I run the render an error message appears saying:"the following render effects are not sompatible with the bitmap format selected for rendering. The selected bitmap format is: RGBA color 32 bits/channel.
I'd like to create a simple little glow around an object with a VrayLightMtl on it.
Using the Vray Lens Effects it works, but it applies it also to other objects with the same material.
It's possible to exclude or include objects to the effects?
Thanks a lot!
I've tried also the 3dsmax standard Lens EFfects, but when I run the render an error message appears saying:"the following render effects are not sompatible with the bitmap format selected for rendering. The selected bitmap format is: RGBA color 32 bits/channel.