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I Robot & Digital Domain

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  • #31
    I've read The Foundation trilogy and thought they were very good but I don't think they'd be made into a very good movie. The main characters change around too much as the books advance through time, can't reuse your stars like in the Lord of the Rings, maybe Seldon though.

    Which of the three books is your favorite? I like the first one the best personally, although The Mule is a cool character but he just seems too easily beat in my opinion.

    Also as for the comment about modern scifi ripping off Foundation books, just look at Couresant(sp?) from Star Wars and read about Trantor in the very beginning of "The Foundation" for your proof.


    • #32
      another interesting news about SCI-FI movie which is being produced : Cinesite Europe has been awarded to do all digital effects to "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" good news, though ( )


      p.s.: I like the first Foundation book best as well.


      • #33
        I like "Prelude to Foundation" ( I believe the last on chronological to our timeline) as well as the " Foundation and Empire" w/ the Mule. Cool, I just found one I haven’t read yet "Foundation and Earth" Looks like it's a different twist on "Foundations Edge". For anyone who’s interested, Asimov recommends reading them in the following order…

        The Complete Robot
        The Caves of Steel
        The Naked Sun
        The Robots of Dawn
        Robots and Empire
        The Currents of Space
        The Stars, Like Dust -
        Pebble in the Sky
        Prelude to Foundation
        Forward the Foundation
        Foundation and Empire
        Second Foundation
        Foundation's Edge
        Foundation and Earth

        Here's a little illustration I did back in school for a book cover art project... Kind of simple but I didn't have much time to work on it.


