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  • #16
    Originally posted by RErender
    If you had a choice between render elements or more speed would you choose the elements?
    nahh...more speed....more....more.....more... (chanting) :P



    • #17
      Road map?

      No such thing,

      on Mon Nov 17 it was shown a render of a 37 million unique poligon scene with the new unlimited geometry renderer that had been anounced before.

      With all the pressure we put on the chaos guys, we forced vlado to further announce on the 18th the release of the new feature was soon enough.

      Originally posted by vlado
      Looks like it will be less than a month, but probably more than a week...

      Best regards,
      Later, in the same thread we discovered (too late in my case) that an internal build with the unlimited geometry renderer was being privately released to some privileged users upon request, but it happen that when I asked for it, the distribution had already stoped becasue as vlado said, they were very disapointed to see it was being pirately distributed....

      I am very angry with myself, because I badly need the unlimited geometry feature, I am making balance exercices with my scenes, the windows /3GB switch which happen to be very picky, now it works, now it does not and loosing lots of hours.

      I say I am angry with myself because I did not monitor announcements conference for a while, and when I asked for the internal build, it was just the moment they stoped making it available to users because of the piracy issue.... hey, I don't mean one of the happy users who had early acces to the internal build made it available to priates!, What I do say it is sure it was not one of the sad ones who did not have it!.

      ....No, I don't believe in roadmaps anymore

      My wish would be that VRay to be treated more professionally,

      It is a great piece of software, and it serves me well, but it could serve me even better.

      It is also great All the user/clients can participate in a permanet open beta, but what I mean is, do make a roadmap! do stablish a final release date, and stick to it. that's what being porfessional mean.

      Then start new release cicle, discuss with us all thewishlists, features, goals, etc. make a reasonably achievably feature list, BILL US users for the upgrade , make the well deserved cash.
      Then make the new roadmap, stablish a release date, (we will meanwhile betatest and have fun) , and stick to it in time, even if some features drop form the list because of unstability .... and on we go to the next one. new features BILL clients AGAIN new roadmap, release date... and on we go again!

      While I ask what I understand as proffessionality, I acknowledge you chaos guys are unbeatable amateurs :P


      Fermí Bertran


      • #18
        Eric Boer


        • #19
          gee, fermi.....I don't know if you're pissed off or what.....but Amatuers, seems a bit exagerated.......

          the fact that we don't know of a roadmap, does't mean they don't have one.....BUT, i do agree with you about the need of improving communication with between chaos and their users about updates and general features.......instead of confining that to only a selected elite, few.....



          • #20
            instead of confining that to only a selected elite, few.....
            I would disagree with that statement. Nobody was "selected", and those that can download, such as myself, wouldn't consider themselves the elite either. I cant use it as Im using max 6, but its just an unfortunate fact of life that theres always 1 person who will screw it up for everyone else.

            I agree that a roadmap is nice, and a roadmap is professional. But as someone who has heard promises time and again through the brazil beta, vray, and countless other "in development" software products, developers are loathe to give specific information, as it seems that life will always find a way of finding a wrench and throwing it into the mix to make everyone unhappy.

            Its not a roadmap if its not followed up on.


            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #21
              Perhaps I should further clarify,

              Amateur versus proffessional.

              The first is not peyorative, on the contrary it has lot of positive connotations, first one is that main motto of an amateur is that he/she enjoys what he/she does, and that's very imnportant.

              The second is not exclusively positive, someone being a pro mean 2 things mainly, 1- that the person's economy depends on that activity, and 2- that the result of the activity is predictable, the output quality of the work of the pro will reach no doubt a certain standard ( question could be what standard but that's another story ) and pro person will reach it in time, meeting deadline, this makes it reliable.

              An amateur can make a more brilliant work than a pro... not because it is his/her duty, but because it is his/her will to do so... ( and of course has the talent )

              A professional can be very reliable and productive producing mediocre work.

              Finally in the real world, the 2 figures are not clear and completly separate, but usually mixed to some extend, and it is certainly a pleasure to deal with poeple, who, are not only very proffessional, but also enjoy very much what they do, and this board is a very good example of this, so besides being disapointed because I badly need a renderer that has not problems with exhausting my system memory, it's a privilege to be here.

              My request to the VRay team was:

              -Trace the line, reach it, close the box, meet the deadline, make cash (bill us the upgrade)

              -Trace a new lice, do the work, close the box, meet the deadline, make more money... and so on.



              • #22
                Only add,

                Subscription with an annual fee would make lot of sense for VRay permanent beta way of life.

                I've just learned from percydaman that I would not be albe to use the internal build in max6 anyway

                instead of confining that to only a selected elite, few.....
                I don't recall using this words, but some limited number of users having acces to special build, and the rest not, makes the first ones a "selected elite" wheter they like it or not :P




                • #23
                  My wish would be that VRay to be treated more professionally,

                  It is a great piece of software, and it serves me well, but it could serve me even better.

                  Sorry to said that. ... but i'm completely agree with Fermi.


                  • #24
                    I don't think publishing a road map of development is necessarily "showing your hand", as has been mentioned. Especially when it comes to render elements. (that's a feature just about every other render I know of supports).

                    And as a question of speed over render elements. I'll take the render elements. The renderer is already fast and have elements only helps me in the compositing stage to avoid full rerenders in a lot of cases if I'm trying to keep up with the whims of flighty art directors.

                    I also think a lot of the frustration that people have with the overall development of vray (or any other program) is that at first there is a flurry of releases when the program is new. the developer seems to adding new features every couple of weeks. then this time frame gets longer and longer and longer until people are just chomping at the bit waiting for the next big thing. The developers don't help by giving tentative release dates that go by without a word.

                    My intention when I started this thread was to know if there was an outline, direction or roadmap if you will as to what was and what was not a priority when it comes to new additions to the software. I'm not looking for a promise that attribute X will be released on April 10 200Whatever.
                    Its more of a way of saying "heres what were working on for 1.1 and heres what we are going to add for 2.0"

                    V Miller


                    • #25
                      It is a shame, that as men get older they lose their sense of adventure and turn to comfort and stability, trading in that sports car for a Cadilac....
                      Eric Boer


                      • #26
                        It is a shame, that as men get older they lose their sense of adventure and turn to comfort and stability, trading in that sports car for a Cadilac....

                        That can be the case for the man with the sports car,

                        But put yourself for a moment in the skin of the man with a bycicle , I think it is completly right and no shame at all to trade it for a motobyke, so in case the road goes uphill, he gives bit more of gass and keep on going.

                        Hey, he still have some wild experiences downhill inclining in the curves if that suits him! :P :P :P



                        • #27
                          That would be true, except V-Ray is much more like a Ferrari then a bicycle, If we try to drive it slowly I am afraid of carbon in the cylinders.
                          Eric Boer


                          • #28
                            One thing I noticed when I was searching for a great render plugin for Viz is that there are really 4 options. Vray, FinalRender, Brazil, Mental Ray. I went on many forums to do my research, see what the users had to say and see how the developers responded. One thing I noticed with Final Render was that they promised release dates and didnt come through, people got pissed, and many users left because the developers didnt respond to their questions or give them updates on whats going on with the new build, or why the release wasnt ontime. They even made a seperate forum for registered users so they could come complain there, which IMHO was to keep potential new users away from all the bad comments inhopes that they would still buy the product. Communication is the key because at the end of the day, its the users that buy the product and making them happy is what sales is all about. I'm not saying Chaos is not commmunicating, I love VRAY......and so far its worked wonders for me. This forum is extreamly helpful. I write this because I dont want to see Chaos have the same problem as Final Render had with their users.

                            For the interal 1.1 build that was passed around to registered users for testing - Why not still pass it around to the registered users who are interested? The damage is done - someone released it but why punish those who have paid and are registered? The honest truth is by cutting off your users you may send some out looking for the pirate build which defeats the whole purpose. I for one would like to try out and test the new build. I am a registerd users - and I think Vray is the best rendered out there at this time. Keep the communication going, give us updates even if they are minor. Show us that things are moving along....every little bit helps. Please don't take the path that Final Render took - I dont think you will......

                            And for the record I'm not upset. I think you guys are doing a hell of a job. KEEP UP the good work.


                            • #29
                              vance3d those maps can help u , i hope it !



                              • #30
                                that was funny...

