So, Vray was *the* one to go to, the one with great software and great customer support - one of its bonuses (on top of being a superb shader) was it had free render nodes, which was great when I run a small company. I championed Vray from the early days to SO many peopel. Now Chaos Group want our money for render nodes. Thanks 
Not only are Adobe screwing us, Autodesk upping their prices, now Chaos Group want to get in on the act.
I understand the need to make money and charge for software; thats why I buy legal versions of everything, but a free render node is super for us small companies and enables us render on multiple machines without more excessive cost.
Vray can now be proud to class themselves in the same greedy, finance-not-customer-first only led class as our Adobe and Autodesk.
I for one will be actively looking for new, less greedy companies in whcih to invest and hope more follow.

Not only are Adobe screwing us, Autodesk upping their prices, now Chaos Group want to get in on the act.
I understand the need to make money and charge for software; thats why I buy legal versions of everything, but a free render node is super for us small companies and enables us render on multiple machines without more excessive cost.
Vray can now be proud to class themselves in the same greedy, finance-not-customer-first only led class as our Adobe and Autodesk.
I for one will be actively looking for new, less greedy companies in whcih to invest and hope more follow.