i love vray !!!
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Brazil or Vray
Originally posted by marowakbrazil > vray so hard
brazil have best materials gl quality ect
in less words it takes time to get quality but do u want a flat image and speedy like vray does ?
vray have super simple materials u only c here architects coz irradiance map, and houses. brazil is for creative ppl that do characters scenes ect also vray irradiance map is based on blur ur scene ,not brute gl like brazil so u ALWAYS get artifacts or spaces whit no shadows brazil is based on pixar renderman.
and dont even thing on final shit it sucks ass !!!
Anyhow, in the end what really matters is, how fast can you get what you want? how big is the learning curve? How big is the forums or cooomunity? What is your focus?
People, go get a demo (or uses warez), download the versions. Use them for PERSONAL uses, and then when you find one thats right, buy it.
Hi there,
the biggest advantage of vray is it´s speed. It´s the only renderer
so far, that gave me the opportunity to render a dynamic animation
in an affordable time. (splotchless).
Without having an ILM Style Renderfarm.
That little "lock to pixel" switch is also worth millions. !!
(prevents lower sampled glossy reflections from flickering)
And no other renderer gives you such a detailed control of the sample
The material could have some more (much more ?!options.
Especially "faked" behaviours are missing, like simple specular points,
self illumination, faked translucency. But with some tricks and free plugins
you get any possible shader handled.
I also heard sometimes, "that brazil gi looks better..." I don´t think so.
as mentioned, it´s just a question of settings AND final compositing.
One thing brazil handles definitely better, are bumpmaps (compared
to vray irmap mode).
damn couldn´t there be just 1 renderer ?
Like.... the speed and gi controls of vray... the material and light options of Brazil and the local object and material controls of final render....
hachh... world would be a better place
This is my opinion:
First of all, asking this on a vray forum or a Brazil forum wouldn't be my best choice if I want to get a good knowledge about it.
I notice that there are people that just want vray to be better. You would meet the same kind of persons on the brazil of even fR forums for that matter.
About the actual question.
I have tried both but I can't say I really master any of them but for what I experienced this is what I think:
When it comes to GI I totally agree with "lordshaitan" When it comes to quality I think that saying anyone of them is better than the other is just a pure lie. Both can achive the same thing. But ofcourse this has to do with how much and how easy it is to tweak the settings (the learning curve included).
About the material. Seriously. Saying that vray is better when it comes to the materials is just that typical kind of thing to say because your really want vray to be better. I have playing around with Egz's material for quit some time now and if it wasn't for him vray would loose big time. But still, his material aren't that tweekable. And saying it's easier to use? How muck easier can it get when you have more presets of different materials with special setting for it like Brazil has?
MTD in Vray is without a doubt the best.
I don't know why but one thing I notice about Brazil and Vray users is that almost 90% of the images in this forum is architecture related stuff meanwhile it's more of artistic stuff at the Brazil forum. One thing that proves that alittle bit is the fact that Brazil have it's toon shader.
At the end. I still use both.
My little input, is that Brazil's GI is a little more accurate for much greater render times. So in certain situations, like bringing out bump maps and such, Ive always thought that Brazils GI looked a little better.
Brazils edge in accuracy:
Vrays edge in speed:
Its an easy choice for me, though if Brazil were to get their standalone renderer out first, I might give them more of a try along with vray.
totally agree with u......i think that "better gi and mtl in brazil" is such an arbitrary opinion...i am not going to explain too much here....but brazil definitely dont have better gi...and thing does not look especially better in brazil...and i think that vraymtl is better than brazil's...at least it's more intuitive and easier to use (the biggest reason for y i use vray instead of keep on using brazil was vraymtl......not speed tho..i didn care much about speed..but now i think speed is the most important...because vray is like 10 times faster than brazil...)....plz try to learn more about vray b4 u say it produces worse images than brazil...
have you even touched brazil? you say so but sorry... i don´t believe it.
honest, if you have looked on brazils various materials you would not make such a statement. brazil simply has options you don´t have with vray. not to mention the problems vray has with opacity and other things.
sure you can tweak everything by hand and you will get a similiar look (vray´s car shader is a example).
but as most of you say when it comes to vrays rendering speed : speed matters!! also does workflow speed.
i know in which direction this leads and that some can not make difference between religion and render engines.
@brazils GI: brazils GI has a more natural look then vrays.
i don´t need everything here to agree with me. there are enough artist on raph.com who do.
but vray has it good points too (which i mention above) and thats why i use it.
About the material. Seriously. Saying that vray is better when it comes to the materials is just that typical kind of thing to say because your really want vray to be better. I have playing around with Egz's material for quit some time now and if it wasn't for him vray would loose big time. But still, his material aren't that tweekable. And saying it's easier to use? How muck easier can it get when you have more presets of different materials with special setting for it like Brazil has?
i already thought im the only one who uses materials for more then a white ceilling and wooden tables in architectural renderings.
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Just to add my 5 cent:
Vray is very fast, it can do incredible things once you understand it. It's GI is very good and totaly good for animation. The rest...
well, Brazil is slower but comes with many more features, some are done so good that it makes a Vray user cry (shaders for example).
Which to choose? Take both if you can, else test test and again test. It's up to you.
Has anyone here succesfully managed to do a render in Brazil with 12 light bounces? *Empty silence*
I have found that when using brazil, 1 Gl bounce looks great but as soon as you increase the number of bounces there is no way to get a smooth image, and render times would probably turn from minutes into days! Even with its photon mapping, which is not even half as good as Vray's you cant get a smooth, realistic light distribution (12 light bounces) with acceptable rendertimes.Does anyone else here think Meshuggah kick ass?
Why would you even need to use 12 light bounces? The most I've ever used was 4 and that was because I had not learned how to properly use vrays color mapping and other tools.
Now I use 2-3 for everything I do. I don't really use photons that much, perhaps I should, but I'm very happy with IR maps for now.
I used brazil before I moved to vray. My real complaint was that it was to slow. That may have changes recently, I don't know and without testing it myself, I'm not willing to put down the product. I will stay with vray for now. Unless of course something better comes along that lets me do my job faster and with better quality than vray.
My loyality lies with the best program for the job, It's really that simple. If another program does come along that is better, in my opinion, not any one elses, I will switch in a New York minute and never look back.
I believe that the folks at Chaos understand this and that is why they are producing the best renderer on the market, at least for my needs at the present. Well mostly anyways!
We must remember that most of our clients want the best they can get for their money and in the least amount of time. At least mine do.
How many times in your career have you had the time and budget to make a render or animation that would satisy you as an artist and customer if you were paying the bill to produce it? I always have to compromise on something to meet the deadline and or budget. But that could just be me.
The finest quality image is what we all strive for, but in the real world there are limits as to how much quality can be achieved due to the restraints of budget and time. It has very little to do with how much quality a render engine is capable of producing, at least nowadays. It has more to do with the ability of the artist and his or her ability to make the compromises in the image look as good as they can in the time given.
The future looks bright for all the render engines out there right now and I personally wish them all the best. The better Brazil or FR gets, the better vray will get. It's a fact of competition in the market place. Thank the lord!