I would like to render my trees and grass as separate pass and composite them later in PS. I could go in one pass but I need to use detail enhancement for the building and it slowes down the foliage and grass. Should I use vray properties matte or what for the foliage and grass when rendering the building pass? And what should I do for the building when rendering the foliage and grass so it would composite nicely in PS. Thx in advance.
I would like to render my trees and grass as separate pass and composite them later in PS. I could go in one pass but I need to use detail enhancement for the building and it slowes down the foliage and grass. Should I use vray properties matte or what for the foliage and grass when rendering the building pass? And what should I do for the building when rendering the foliage and grass so it would composite nicely in PS. Thx in advance.