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SSS2 Fresnel reflection

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  • SSS2 Fresnel reflection

    Hi Vlado,

    here's a question for you

    I'm trying to replicate the fresnel effect in the SSS2 but in a vray material, and I'm close but not exactly the same, can you tell me how can I achieve the same result?

    Also, I'm testing out the skin raytrace in Vray 3. I will open a post this weekend about it. Can you please add an opacity slot in the sss2 shader pleaseee

    Thank you

  • #2
    We use an internal version of the VRayFakeFresnelTex texture; unfortunately that one is not readily creatable from the Max UI... perhaps we need to change that.

    About the opacity slot, yes, will do it. I'm also working on a dedicated skin shader...

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Yeah, would be awesome if we can have it exposed, and use maps to control the effect, like a white and black map to control the intensity of the fresnel on a model. And also, having the possibility in the new skin shader to stack up many reflection layer directly into the shader would be awesome too, like a add reflection layer, then you click and it add you a layer and you can choose the fresnel or front reflection etc. that would be easier for the new comer and really powerfull.

      I'm very curious to see what you have in mind for the new skin shader, if you want me to beta test it and show you exemple file i'm willing anytime, just let me know

      Thank you Vlado


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bigguns View Post
        I'm very curious to see what you have in mind for the new skin shader, if you want me to beta test it and show you exemple file i'm willing anytime, just let me know
        Yes, I was in fact going to ask you about this. Can you send me an email to so that I can contact you in a few days?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Just did it!


