Hi all
Is there some kind of formula to match exposure and motion blur of the movie cam to a still cam?
I'm liking the exposure of my still cam, but I'm liking the motionblur of my movie cam
Alternatively on my still cam I can up my F stop and change my shutter to keep exposure and increase motion blur. I always use the still cam even for animation so I'm just experimenting with the movie cam to see if there is ANY benefit. So I guess what I'm really asking is if the motion blur calculations is the same under the hood for these 2 type of cams (forgetting for a moment the exposure)
Is there some kind of formula to match exposure and motion blur of the movie cam to a still cam?
I'm liking the exposure of my still cam, but I'm liking the motionblur of my movie cam
Alternatively on my still cam I can up my F stop and change my shutter to keep exposure and increase motion blur. I always use the still cam even for animation so I'm just experimenting with the movie cam to see if there is ANY benefit. So I guess what I'm really asking is if the motion blur calculations is the same under the hood for these 2 type of cams (forgetting for a moment the exposure)