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Ok it´s 16. June today

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  • #91
    wow, I have been modeling this St.Peter building too, but it was too much for me alone, Great Work!

    or maybe I am wrong some part of the front on the yellow image doesnt seems to match.


    • #92
      hi losbellos,
      its the berlin palace, destroyed in 1953, built by Schlüter, Eosander v. Goethe and many others. Later in 1700 Schlüter went to Petersburg where he designed the Petershof Palace.


      • #93
        I am not a friend of participating in useless flame wars. I've been a Vray fan from its early beta stages, and all I can say is that it has live up to its promises in many way, not really measureable by a feature list but by producing a tool that changed the workflow and quality in our everyday professional work.

        I agree with richard, egz, sasha, tom, elf, and everyone else actively supporting vray in the sense one of the greatest streghths in this renderer is actually the people behing it and their interest to provide us with a great tool.

        They have been receptive to the user's needs, and have tried to provide all of the requested features and much more. Anytime we have come into problems or found bugs affecting our work, we have received prompt responses and fixes. Not much developers take this trouble!

        There is a great difference between the way in which the chaos group have addopted the developemnt of Vray compared to other solutions, and it relies on an open development trying to mantain a continuous relationship with users. This atitude has made vray into perpetual betas, but i'm sure thousands of projects have been succesfully completed with Vray, and as such it has been production ready from day one, independant of the feature list.

        I know 1.5 will bring happinees to the unsatisfied customers, and even more cool stuff for us fans

        Thanks again Vlado and Peter.

        <- this is my new vray fan avatar
        Alejandro Gonzalez
        Zerofractal - Visual Communications
        New Website!


        • #94
          hey elliot. Engines have lots of replicated parts like the valves and pistons etc. Have you been using insticate for these items to get the most performance out of vray? just a helpfull thought


          Yeah I know that there are lots of replicated parts but they are not the problem. The problem is with the large metal cast parts. To get all the mouldings & radius' smooth enough for a very high res illustration (8k x 6k) the poly sizes get very large and very quickly go over the limit. If I tesselate the CAD models with a lower setting then the quality is not really good enough.

          Thanks for the suggestion though!



          • #95
            If I tesselate the CAD models with a lower setting then the quality is not really good enough.
            How are you importing files into max? Do you use npower PowerTranslators already?
            You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


            • #96

              How are you importing files into max? Do you use npower PowerTranslators already?
              I tried Powertranslators but the resulting files seemed very slow to work with.... maybe it's better now?

              We have Pro/E in house so I just export from there as STL in whatever tesselation I need.


              • #97


                "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                • #98
                  No wonder you have so much pain with rendering. STL is not quite the most ideal format. Exporting Pro/E files in STEP or IGES and import them with PowerTranslators should be a possible solution to your problem. If you get messed up files, I'd contact the guys from Npower with your problem.
                  I am quite sure that you are not able to a better tesselation job by hand then PowerTranslator. It does tesselation based on output resolution and distance to the camera. Furthermore it has a separate (and faster) display mesh. I think it is at least worth a try to download their latest demo.

                  Click THIS link

                  I hope it gives you some luck with your work.
                  You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                  • #99
                    Hey Randy... don't really know what you mean about the 3 millon limit exicting if it is instanced or not... I have been able to render 25 BILLION polies using instance rendering, only using around 256 megs of ram. Two thing need to be one for it to work. First you need to make sure that you Instance when copying. Second you need to make sure that you turn on "instanciate" under the system rollout of Vray.


                    • hi guys

                      I am a vray registered users and I am very impressed by the work of vlado and peter did for next build but also by the beta test team (Geddart and others guys : the new frame buffer seems to be the best production tool I ever seen, thanks for your great work !!!! )

                      ps: I am since 2 years a vray user so I'm think that I'm a VRAY FANBOYS too ! don't you ??

                      ps: sorry for english


                      • hi cpnichols,
                        most parts of the mesh are unique, no way for instance copying, every windows axis has its own measurements, every ornament is unique too. only the balusters are instances. Build 1.45.10 was able to render it, if i start rendering the scene with 1.09.3n it crashes.


                        • Hi mik

                          don´t forget, the vray framebuffer pdf, isn´t more right now but a suggestion from geddart, egz and me,

                          but at last vlado and peter seemd to like it to. So let´s see what we will find in later versions from this.

                          on the other side you can see, that also chaos and the whole devellopement might get better from chaos opend work with us.



                          • on the other side you can see

                            i see nothing.

                            but if you say so it will be great.... some day.


                            • another week has gone


                              • this is the part where you see the days on the calender being ripped away
                                by the wind faster and faster and a looming voice says

                                "Time Marches On!"

                                PS I still side with the fanboys although I think the name is a bit "light" sounding.

                                V Miller

