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Max7.0 will be released at this Siggarph?

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  • Max7.0 will be released at this Siggarph?

    Yes, we were first with max news...again.


    3d-Palace have been invited to a special screening of the product at a secret location in London, and will release full information on the product on the very second of its release officially in a TV-Palace Special.

    We will release the show in 56k and broadband format over several mirrors as well as hosting images and text articles.



  • #2
    I wonder how long until it'll have a stable Vray release for it. My firm has been sitting on three un-opened boxes of Max6 for over two months now since Distributive Render still is unsupported in 6. That Max7 has already been announced and we can't even install 6 is beyond maddenning.

    I know discreet does these rapid-releases to appease the subscription crowd, but a new version release every year is a little ridiculous. I wish they'd take a little more time on it, I'm still training on 6.

    Realizing I'm not the first or last person to vent on this board about this, but seeing as how Vray is in the position of being one of the top three? Four? Anyway, it's a major add-on component to Max, and I would hope that discreet and Chaos can work more closely in the future to time their releases at least within a couple months of each other. I feel pretty bad for those of us who are discreet subscribers.



    • #3
      I’m with you Shaun. We are still on R5 here. I have never had any incentive shelling out 800.00 a seat for something I may never use. It would be nice if Discreet would spend a bit more time stabilizing the previous version before releasing anything new, but on the other had, there are plenty of users out there that are screaming for new features. At some point, we will all need to upgrade because plug-in support will drop off after a period of time. One of my questions is, will Vray 1.5 work with R5? If not………..hello R6.



      • #4
        They will SHOW Max 7 on Siggraph.
        There are no rumors i heard that it will be RELEASED then?

        Im curious too if Max 7 will work with V1.5 (DR included)?

        If Max 7 is really that close to release then Chaos should have beta to work with?


        • #5
          Don't quote me on this, but it seems to me a fairly intelligent Max wiz (who shall remain anonymous since I may or may not be correct) told me that newer releases of Max should be increasingly backwards compatible with plugins. You'd hope that by now they wouldn't have to change the program fundamentals.

          Now if they'd just add export filters to previous versions of Max, I wouldn't complain at all about the quick upgrade pace.



          • #6

            Now if they'd just add export filters to previous versions of Max, I wouldn't complain at all about the quick upgrade pace.

            same here



            • #7
              Don't quote me on this, but it seems to me a fairly intelligent Max wiz (who shall remain anonymous since I may or may not be correct) told me that newer releases of Max should be increasingly backwards compatible with plugins. You'd hope that by now they wouldn't have to change the program fundamentals.

              Now if they'd just add export filters to previous versions of Max, I wouldn't complain at all about the quick upgrade pace.

              The plugins for max have never realy been backward compatable with all of the releases. 3dsmax 4 and 5 were the most compatable but when the jump to 6 came there were new issues that had to be resolved and could not use the same code as 4 and 5 like V-Ray's DR.

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              • #8
                I just hope they will not go with the same pace of autocad ...
                We can't follow anymore .
                It takes weeks to get a stable max working, with interface and plugins and all . i just wish the race will stop .


                • #9
                  well not me, i think those fast upgrades are realy nice (oh how i love to play with those new functions ),

                  but thinking of the bugs, and realy bad underlying construction, i rather would like to wait one more year, to get a rewritten version.
                  but i think this will maybe happen in version 12.

                  If all those functions would work allways well, waiting would be worth it.

                  nevertheless the child in me could also love two upgrades a year.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tom schuelke
                    well not me, i think those fast upgrades are realy nice (oh how i love to play with those new functions ),

                    Who are you, the man or the kid on your avatar?
                    Really, i have no time to PLAY.

                    Thats why i have a more sceptical view on the Vray development.

                    And max is going to be a pain in the a$$ too.

                    The new features are often not really worth an upgrade but you HAVE TO upgrade if you get files from companys who ALWAYS buy the latest Max version.

                    The whole filesystem from Max is outdated bulls*it.


                    • #11
                      Don't be so grumpy Long John...
                      Is it really all that bad?

                      Playing with Software is not just about having fun - it's also about learning new things and staying ahead of the competition.
                      I discovered Vray while playing and many other Software too.
                      Sascha Geddert


                      • #12
                        And it is sure FUN!
                        No question!

                        The problems begin when you have not enough time to enjoy this fun.
                        You then begin to see that more and more features are maybe not as good as making the existing work as expected.

                        I don´t think new features are bad!
                        How could i?

                        I think first priority must be a stable and working system.

                        Code new features when the old are rock solid.
                        Don´t let one feature stay in beta stage and begin to work on another.

                        Thats what i think.


                        • #13
                          Hi Long John

                          of course you are right. With me it starts to be the same. How much i would like to do this loved playing. But i also have a company and a familiy at home, and its tru, You can´t stand so much work, for longer time, and then you have to find a compromise.

                          what i think max should also do, is makeing a much more consistent interface. for example there are many features that are good in polys, and some also in meshes.

                          why the hell don´t the teams talk to each other, to find a common solution through the whole programm. Here there could be many advantages. Discreet seems to be to big, to heavy, to do this job sometimes in one slick solution.

                          But of course, you know i am sure, max 8 will fix all this in a new 64 bit universe



                          • #14
                            Hi Long John

                            of course you are right. With me it starts to be the same. How much i would like to do this loved playing. But i also have a company and a familiy at home, and its tru, You can´t stand so much work, for longer time, and then you have to find a compromise.

                            what i think max should also do, is makeing a much more consistent interface. for example there are many features that are good in polys, and some also in meshes.

                            why the hell don´t the teams talk to each other, to find a common solution through the whole programm. Here there could be many advantages. Discreet seems to be to big, to heavy, to do this job sometimes in one slick solution.

                            But of course, you know i am sure, max 8 will fix all this in a new 64 bit universe

                            hehe...maybe you should post this on the descreet forums... never know..tehy might listen.....hehe



                            • #15
                              [quote="cocolashehe...maybe you should post this on the descreet forums... never know..tehy might listen.....hehe



                              They are not lazy to tell it´s an user to user forum.

                              I remember the posting about the max cut tool, the guy who complaint about that had some good points (imho).

                              The discreet guys had not much arguments and showed no understanding.

                              Who worked with Maya will know what he wrote about.

