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Best Animation Method...

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  • Best Animation Method...

    The best animation method

    I’ve started trials for a project. I need some help. I have 30 slave machines. 3dsmax file size is 350 mb. The textures and the renderassets take about 10 gb. The operating system for the machine that has the renderfarm is windows server edition.

    At first bf + lightcache seemed the best but the noise was the problem. IR multiframe method caused problems in flickers.

    What method should I use for bigger scenes?

    I also use backburner. All machines with bucket render at one machine. Should I divide it to 30 machines as 10 frame each? What is your suggestion?

    I waste time when I save Ir map and send them to all machines.

    20 machines start rendering as dr but when it is 25 the machines slow down and stop. I tried all combinations but doesn’t make any difference even though I tried it with different machines.

    What is your best option for flythrough animation?

    Why cant we use 100% of slave machine’s cpu while doing progressive render?

    I have a problem while doing progressive render. I cannot set the renderpass number. If I could enter the renderpass number I could render 20 machine and 10 machine separately. When each group reaches 120 pass, the operation may finish. But now I don’t know how I can get 120 pass equality by setting the renderpass number. If I say 20 machines in 10 minutes, then the quality would be different for 10 machines doing it in 10 minutes. What is the factor that affects the quality?

    There should be another way of doing it instead of us, the artists trying to sort out these settings.

  • #2
    Would say, dont use DR, you are better off sending the frames to render across the machines individually using backburner.

    Do you have moving geometry or just moving camera?


    • #3
      I wanted to say yes it is sorry for my terrible eng. No moving objects in my scene.


      • #4
        Well BF is the easiest path, but longest to render. Depends how tight your time is, if you have the option just go BF and just let it run.

        Otherwise, pre calc IR map every 5-10 frames, depends on you cam movements. You cant split this across machines though, you can DR this bit instead.


        • #5

          Other problem :

          I have a problem while doing progressive render. I cannot set the renderpass number. If I could enter the renderpass number I could render 20 machine and 10 machine separately. When each group reaches 120 pass, the operation may finish. But now I don’t know how I can get 120 pass equality by setting the renderpass number. If I say 20 machines in 10 minutes, then the quality would be different for 10 machines doing it in 10 minutes. What is the factor that affects the quality?


          • #6
            use the noise threshold to set the final quality, that way all frames will be the same. you are talking about machine groups though.. sounds like you are still using DR to render your animation? as mentiond above, its not good to use DR to render animations, better to send individual frames to single machines using backburner.


            • #7
              If you have no moving objects than miltiframe incremental is the best choice. Flickering may be caused by AA - not GI.
              Available for remote work.
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              • #8
                Originally posted by tolgahan View Post
                At first bf + lightcache seemed the best but the noise was the problem. IR multiframe method caused problems in flickers.
                Can you show us some samples, the noise could be a Image Sampler issue and could be solved with higher IS settings.
                How did you use IM, there are different approaches for different scenes, we need more detailed information in order to provide better assistance.

                Originally posted by tolgahan View Post
                What method should I use for bigger scenes?
                The best method depends from scene to scene. Animation with moving objects are usually rendered best with BF+LC, static/flytrought scenes are rendered best with IM+LC.
                Sample tutorials about each approach could be found here:

                Originally posted by tolgahan View Post
                I also use backburner. All machines with bucket render at one machine. Should I divide it to 30 machines as 10 frame each? What is your suggestion?
                For animations it is best to calculate each frame on a separate machine.

                Originally posted by tolgahan View Post
                What is your best option for flythrough animation?
                Its this one:

                Originally posted by tolgahan View Post
                Why cant we use 100% of slave machine’s cpu while doing progressive render?
                What is the CPU utilization of the slave machines and what is the value of Ray Bundle Size parameter of Progressive Image Sampler?

                Originally posted by tolgahan View Post
                I have a problem while doing progressive render. I cannot set the renderpass number. If I could enter the renderpass number I could render 20 machine and 10 machine separately. When each group reaches 120 pass, the operation may finish. But now I don’t know how I can get 120 pass equality by setting the renderpass number. If I say 20 machines in 10 minutes, then the quality would be different for 10 machines doing it in 10 minutes. What is the factor that affects the quality?
                To unify the quality of the frames it is better to use a Noise Threshold limitation instead of Number of the Passes or Time limitations.
                Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


                • #9
                  Wow. This is real support Thnks

