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1.45 uses lots of more ram than 1.09 ?

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  • 1.45 uses lots of more ram than 1.09 ?


    I needed to render an old project and used vray 1.45.70 for this render.
    It occured that the renderslave used a huge ammount of memory on to the point of 2,4 Gb, wich caused max to crash. I think this has to do with the new way instances are handled. So i turned down the memory usage for dynamic geometry and the scene took forever to render.

    I just switched back to vray 1.09.03g and the scene renders just fine, without excessive memory usage and fast as hell.

    What could be causing this, i never had problems with this scene and it is nothing out of the ordinary for us. If this proves to be a real problem we can't switch to the new build because we have to render these kind of scenes all the time.

    I also noticed that the amount of subdivisions for quasi monte carlo rendering has gone from 1 to 50 . Is this correct and if yes, why.

    I hope Vlado or someone can clear this up, cause i am allready in love with the lightmap and going back is not a real option.

    A full render queu is a thing of beauty !

  • #2
    we opserved the same thing here. We did a view tests with big amount of polygons and got crashes all time.
    It really seams like 1.45 can't handle more polygons then 1.09. Seams to be bug?
    No different if using the Dynamic engine. Maybe it's not working yet.




    • #3
      hI !

      Well, it seems you have the same problem like me.

      So !
      The best thing you have to do is to import your old scenes in a new one in Max.
      That allows you to get a scene with the new version parameters at
      their default Value.
      Yes, you have to set up the renderer as it was before...Not so annoying!
      just look your settings in another max window.

      Next, if necessary, transform all your material in a Vray mat.
      To get faster opacity, for instance.

      I hope it will help.
      Bye !



      • #4

        Thanks, i will definitly try this. Really looooovvveee the lightmap .

        A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


        • #5
          Im trying it right now and it is definitly not working .

          I am waiting for 10 minutes for the first pass to complete and it is not past the first square yet (640x480 pixels), while the rendering on the old vray at 3500 x 2526 pixels is finished in 1:30 hour.

          This is just silly, Vlado please help.

          A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


          • #6
            Im trying it right now and it is definitly not working .

            I am waiting for 10 minutes for the first pass to complete and it is not past the first square yet (640x480 pixels), while the rendering on the old vray at 3500 x 2526 pixels is finished in 1:30 hour.

            This is just silly, Vlado please help.

            It would be helpful if you can provide me with some more information about your scene to; In addition, instances are indeed handled in a different way, so if you have many instances of high-poly objects, this could be causing a problem. In any case, I need to know more before I can say anything.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              I will try to mail the scene, i have to go home right now. If the scene is to big i will mail it in two pieces tomorow, thanks for the quick reply.

              A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


              • #8
                The problem is because of the 2d displacement - in 1.45.70 each
                displaced instance makes its own copy of the displacement map, which is
                what takes so much memory (compared to 1.09.03n where the maps were
                connected to the modifiers and not to the objects). This will be fixed
                for the next builds.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #9

                  Hi Erick,

                  Any pointers on how to use this feature. Should my workflow be the same as with Photonmaps i.e. first render Lightmaps for 1st and 2nd bounces, save the file and then switch 1st bounce to irradiance mapping. Also do I still turn off reflections and refraction when calculating the Lightmaps?

                  Lastly do I still make use of Skylights at openings to get "sun light" into the building?



                  • #10

                    WWX to wich post are you refering, your question doesn't make a whole lotta sence in this thread. I think your refering to the render i made with the lightmap of that testfile thread.

                    A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


                    • #11

                      Erick I posted a similar ? under the Tut topic, with no replies, when I read your post here saying that you love Lightmaps, I took it that you have established a workflow using them.

                      That is why I posted here, hope it is clear now.



                      • #12
                        In our test scene we used about 15000 copys of the standart teapots. While we had no problems in the viewport, both vray and the scanliner crashes on rendertimes do to a lack of RAM memory (no matter how much virtual memory we gave).
                        It's just a sample for the problem. So if you use a lot of meshsmooth objects you can encounter crashes when the polycount get up to 3 millions. This happens not to instances, but you can't always work with instances.
                        At the moment I can't see any improvements in this on Vray 1.45. Anyhow I thougt that this is one of it's main features. Don't know if it is Vray related or more a bug in Max.
                        It would be very interesting to have this bug fixed, or this feature improved. If you go for 2k rendering you simple need to screw up itteration on meshsmooth, displacement etc.
                        Don't want to unfair, but our test with finalrender where different, it's possible!




                        • #13
                          I mailed my scene to Vlado and this was his answer,

                          "The problem is because of the 2d displacement - in 1.45.70 each
                          displaced instance makes its own copy of the displacement map, which is
                          what takes so much memory (compared to 1.09.03n where the maps were
                          connected to the modifiers and not to the objects). This will be fixed
                          for the next builds."

                          Hope this will keep you positive.

                          A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


                          • #14
                            Robert - if you utilize the proxy object you'll be able to render many times that amount of faces.
                            Eric Boer


                            • #15
                              Proxy rocks!!! I have a scene with over 600 full geometry natFX trees and it is rendering fine Crazy

