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slow slow render with texture maps

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  • slow slow render with texture maps

    I am preparing an animation of a housing estate but am getting some really slow render times whenever I use texture maps on the buildings. If I use just a simple Vray material for all surfaces of the buildings then I get a frame time of 100 seconds. If I changed that material to be reflective then render time only increases by a second but if I use material with texture maps for the brickwork then render times more than double. There aren't many maps and I have sized them small and kept them to increments of 128, 256, 512 pixel dimensions. I don't understand why there is such an overhead when using texture maps.

    Is there a known issue when using certain types of maps or is there a known problem with using multi/sub object materials and modeling?

    I am using Max 6 and Vray Advanced 1.0903r60.

    Thanks for any advice.

    Designs for TV...made with a lot of V-Ray.

  • #2
    Could it be because of antialiasing? What is the render time with and without texures when you don't use antialiasing?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      hmmm, 201 seconds? I would be pretty damn happy with those render times


      • #4
        Thanks Vlado,

        Antialiasing does make the renders approx 25% longer but thats something I will live with given the relative improvement.

        As I was working through switching maps on and off I overwrote the material that I had been using for the glass in the buildings. The problem must have been there because now I have re-instated the textures the render is progressing much more quickly e.g:

        previous glass region rendering: 155.8s

        new glass rgeion rendering: 42.2s

        The two versions of the glass are identical, must be a corruption of some sort. I did keep getting a message asking me to send the Vraylog.txt file (or something similar) to chaos group. I better pay more attention next time!

        Thanks again.
        Designs for TV...made with a lot of V-Ray.


        • #5
          Originally posted by andrius
          hmmm, 201 seconds? I would be pretty damn happy with those render times
          I'm hard to please!

          I have just got it down to 51 seconds or just under 120 where there is a lot of detail. Its a 6 minute animation along a half kilometer long site so you will appreciate that up to 150 seconds difference makes all the difference when it comes to rendering - about a weeks difference.

          It is well worth paying the extra for the Irradiance maps if anyone reading this is contemplating buying Vray for animation!

          Designs for TV...made with a lot of V-Ray.

