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Updated - New Script "Imap Control"

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  • Updated - New Script "Imap Control"

    Imap Control alows you to save a series of Irradiance maps per frame with V-Ray® and then allows you to reuse those maps per frame, It also is useful to save incremental maps when creating Incremental add maps, saving progress incase of a crash. To install download the file, drag it to the MAX viewport and follow the instructions (make sure when you download that the extension is still "mzp"

    Get it here

    I think I have caught most of the major problems but let me know if you have any issues.

    Eric Boer

  • #2
    wow pretty cool. will be trying it out. any way to take an single irradiance map created from say 200 frames and re output them to single frame irradiance maps?

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      Irradiance map viewer is the only way to merge maps, It would be cool if it was command line friendly, then the script could do it.

      I should also mention that it is only compatible with 1.45+ and Max 5+
      Eric Boer


      • #4
        I have updated the script to work with backburner, also fixed a problem with the installer (sorry for any inconvenience) . It is now possible to send a series of frames to the farm to calc. the Irradiance Maps and then scrub to any of the frames and automaticly render it localy with the saved map

        Get v1.10 here
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          Great script Eric. I'll be using this alot!

          How come Psychics have to ask for your name?


          • #6
            Hi Eric, im having trouble loading your script. I have made a button for it, but everytime I click on the button nothing appears! I have tried it in max 5,6 and 7 and no luck!

            Any thoughts?
            Chris Jackson


            • #7
              VRay needs to be assigned as the current renderer, there is supposed to be a warning to tell you that but I REM'd it out for some testing and forgot to turn it back on.
              Eric Boer


              • #8
                Eric, I've just tried to load your script but I get this error message -

                -- No ""execute"" function for undefined

                This relates to the "" file.

                How can I fix this?



                • #9
                  Hi Chris, There was a problem with the original installer. download the latest version 1.11, it is the same link.

                  Tip: Did Anyone know you can install it just by dragging the Link --> Into you max viewport :P
                  Eric Boer


                  • #10
                    Works now. Thanks Eric.


                    • #11
                      Hi Rerender.

                      nice script. i wished, i could use maxscript allready.


                      i am not sure, in what situations is it nessesair to use i-maps that where saved frame by frame. Dont you usualy render such animaitons in one step ? when i render animations in single frame isnt usual to render the final image in one step. ?



                      • #12
                        the advantage to creating imaps by frame is same advantage to saving animations by frame instead of one movie file. If something gets jacked up during the process, you dont have to completely start over. obviously theres other advantages as well, but this is the big one for me.

                        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                        • #13
                          Obviously being thick here, but what do I do after I drag it into a viewport?
                          Kind Regards,
                          Richard Birket



                          • #14
                            Tricky, once you've dropped it into the viewport a dialogue box will appear informing you that you need to reboot max to complete installation. Then just create a button for it and you've finished.

                            RErender - I just used this script to do a fly thru of an interior with a moving object. Worked great but as I was using photons for the 2nd bounce it would have been good if I could have saved individual photon maps for each frame as well. Just a thought.....

                            How come Psychics have to ask for your name?


                            • #15
                              Looks like a nice little script Rerender, although we haven’t moved up to 1.45+ yet…

                              I was wondering if it is possible to alter this script, or create a new one, that allows you to add the irradiance from one frame to a saved irradiance map?

                              The idea would be to allow you to calculate the irradiance map for the static objects in a scene and save this map. Then you could add to this map the irradiance map for the moving objects. Does that make sense??

                              Kind of like what you can do by hiding a moving object in a scene, render out the scene, unhide object, make sure you have “incremental add to current map” set then render again. But the difference would be that then you revert back to the original Imap. I know it doesn’t give a real solution but it seems like a decent compromise. See for an example of what I mean.


