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Updated max 6 DR install Tutorial

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  • Updated max 6 DR install Tutorial

    Any way we can get some new step by step info on setting up DR with the new build? Since the setup appears to have changed, it might be helpful. Im having issues, but then I have never tried setting it up before. Keep it dumbed down for people like me.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."

  • #2
    Same here. I am trying to install DR on Viz. I created my vrayspawner.ini file and then when I click on vrayspawner60.exe nothing happens. Then I check the vrayspawner log file and this is what it says...

    0: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] ========================== Starting new session ==========================
    1: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] Got this module name: C:Program FilesAutodesk VIZ 2005vrayspawner60.exe
    2: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] Got this INI file name: C:Program FilesAutodesk VIZ 2005VRaySpawner.ini
    3: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] Reading settings from INI file: "C:Program FilesAutodesk VIZ 2005VRaySpawner.ini"
    4: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] --
    5: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] Dumping current settings...
    6: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] VRaySpawner temp dir: ""
    7: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] Application name (MAX/VIZ): "C:Program FilesAutodesk VIZ 20053dsviz.exe"
    8: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] --
    9: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] Process id is 1752 (0x6d
    10: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] *** ALERT! Error copying FROM: "C:Program FilesAutodesk VIZ 2005vraydummy60.max" TO: "vraydummy60.max". Please check the INI file: "C:Program FilesAutodesk VIZ 2005VRaySpawner.ini" Error text: The system cannot find the file specified.

    11: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] Exiting our service due to errors
    12: [2004/Nov/8|15:02:07] ========================== Ending session ==========================

    Please help me!
    Tim Nelson


    • #3
      I cant get it working aswell....but i have a feeling thats because im using max7


      • #4
        i had same problem ( just with max )..i figured i didnt have the dummy.max file so i saved an empty max file called that vraydummy60.max and it went...


        ohh and do we need a new license. Ive read somewhere in docs that a new license is required with the new version of the license server.
        It does seem to work though, although i cant see any connected clients in the license server dialog.


        timmatron: do you have your backslahes correct in the path ? looks like there is none, but could be due to formating ?


        • #5
          I think that is because the new installer does not put vraydummy60.max in your root folder. If I remember well you can create an empty file with this name and things should work.
          You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


          • #6
            alright I was able to figure it out by reading the dang help file! hehe. Whats funny though is that Im using 2 pc's. One has 2 cpus, while the other pc has 1 cpu. So why are there 4 renderbuckets showing during the render? Both are AMD so no hyperthreading.

            okay so DR is very simple to setup. Should have read the online documentation before posting here.

            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #7
              thanks for the tip... DR now works in max7 here


              • #8
                Percy I think that is because your render manager acts as slave and manager at the same time and the render manager participates in the rendering process. I think you can avoid this by not adding your manager to the distribution list
                You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                • #9
                  huh? Im not following.

                  "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                  • #10
                    When you start up the rendering, does your machine that you render from (with the UI) also start up a new max session? I think on this machine the spawner should not run.

                    Hope this is more clear.
                    You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                    • #11

                      Thanks for the tip. It got me closer BUT, now when I open the vrayspawner60.exe file it starts working but as soon as the max file opens it closes again, opens, closes again, and on & on. I assume thats not supposed to be happening is it?

                      To Dennis: yea, the backslashes are there in the ini file, but not sure why they don't show up in the log.
                      Tim Nelson


                      • #12
                        okay some strange behaviours. If I remove the renderslave so its just my local machine (with max file running) and render with DR, the buckets show 0.0.0 for IP. If I add the render slave, I get the 0.0.0 along with the other IP, like in above screenshot. Whats strange is that the IP is of my local machine, not of my render slave. also, my render slave has no activity in its task manager. Is it really rendering at all?

                        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                        • #13
                          was working in max 7 and now it isent..

                          I now have the same problem as, close, open close etc...


                          • #14
                            This has been discussed earlier: delete the files in the network folder in the max folder on the slave that keeps restarting max. Something is preventing VRay from overwriting the files, so deleting them will let VRay create the new files it needs.
                            Torgeir Holm |


                            • #15
                              I saw in another thread about vrayspawner that there is some problem with files in ie. c:>max7>network that cant be overwritten.
                              Delete all files in that folder on the clients and start spawner again.
                              works for me but has to be done regularly on random clients when starting new jobs.
                              Dosnt seem rock solid yet, for me atleast, but still a godsend with DR

