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Vray future predictions ?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by vlado View Post
    WOW awesome stuff Vlado. Is this available in the nightlies now?
    3D Freelance


    • #17
      Thanks for the major info download, Vlado! Super exciting. I too would be curious if any of these are rolled into the nightlies yet or are planned for that soon? Particularly GPU stuff.


      • #18
        sounds good !
        what about LightMix in VBF ?


        • #19
          Originally posted by vlado View Post
          Nice to see! I'm still hoping for a better volumetric shading workflow, with nodes in the material editor that we can use to remap values, do scene lookups, etc, and output to the shader parameters
          Hristo Velev
          MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
          Sofia, Bulgaria


          • #20
            Any chance of fixing the circular reference issue with the distance tex? Or have a "non displace" mode where it'll calculate based on the current geo and not want to keep iterating back and forth as referenced objects get evaluated?


            • #21
              Originally posted by vlado View Post
              There are a number of things that we are looking into together with the RL team:
              Vlado, do you plan to add a material browser with some standard library, like in new corona release ? That would be awesome


              • #22
                Originally posted by infranea View Post
                Vlado, do you plan to add a material browser with some standard library, like in new corona release ? That would be awesome
                I'm afraid that's not in the plans for the moment.

                Best regards,

                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #23
                  Everything sounds great Vlado! When do you think there will be a new version with these new features?

                  AMD TR 7980X, 256GB DDR5, GeForce RTX 4090 24GB, Win 10 Pro
                  2D | 3D | web | video


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jiri.Matys View Post
                    Everything sounds great Vlado! When do you think there will be a new version with these new features?
                    In an age past, his reply to this question was invariably "When it's ready".

                    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                    • #25
                      I just hope we can finally use the new version(when it`s ready). I`m getting left behind on 3.4. It still works fine but I want my update itch scratched. I don`t mind a few bugs, just as long as none of them affect me ! 9)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by anthonyh View Post
                        I just hope we can finally use the new version(when it`s ready). I`m getting left behind on 3.4. It still works fine but I want my update itch scratched. I don`t mind a few bugs, just as long as none of them affect me ! 9)
                        What is preventing you from using 3.6?

                        Best regards,

                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #27
                          Hi Vlado, (apologies for wall of text)
                          A couple of issues really, 1 was reflections of IES lights were very noisy with adaptive lights, it should be logged not sure if it`s fixed ?, generally we don`t have this issue as we don`t do much archviz but we have clients who want us to render interior animations and while I can switch off adaptive it becomes a bit of a hassle to remember to do so(I had a big rerender because of it). Adaptive lights in general not being able to use clamp, I know it`s seen as technically wrong now but not every scene/workflow or schedule we have allows for doing things only the `right` way. Using adaptive lights and getting hard aliasing which then needs a workaround using LensEffects for example.
                          If it was only me here I could probably live with workarounds but I have to manage others using vray too and they don`t want to have to think about fixes/settings like this so I have to deal with it and I have enough to do.
                          There was also the 10% overrall speed loss reported a couple of times that made me nervous about upgrading too. Perhaps it`s using this forum which just highlights issues/bugs that makes me more wary to upgrade. I know nightlies exist but I can`t use them for production, it`s risky to use non `release` versions and it`s time consuming as we have a small render farm to manage as well.
                          So, some software issues and some user ones as well. We`re not all as technically savvy as the best users on the forum so having to find workarounds for things that work ok with 3.4 now is something I can`t spend too much time dealing with. I see a lot of guys using RT/IPR etc and our hardware is a little too old for that so may not work for us because of hardware limitations vs scene complexity so we`re cpu only. I`ve been testing with 3.6 in 2018(we use 2016 for production) just to keep an eye on it.
                          Overall I`ve found that the benefits from 3.6 just haven`t been worth upgrading for so far I`m afraid(only for us mind you! ). I can`t see any real render speed increase because of the need to turn adaptive back to probabilistic or full evaluation just to make sure I don`t encounter any issues and we don`t use IPR, so I`ve stayed with 3.4. It`s generally stable and does what we need. I do love upgrades though !
                          I think 3.6 suits a lot of people here with a lot of benefits for certain workflows and hardware. Maybe we need better hardware, maybe we need some retraining too, a few less bugs as well never hurt. Work often gets in the way of all that. We`re animation so the gpu rendering route is also an expensive option to go down for a small farm for using IPR etc.
                          We tend to grade and layer etc. in After Effects so we don`t really use Vray FrameBuffer. Heresy I know ! ( for me it`s also rather awkward because of the tiny buttons because I have telescope glasses).
                          There`s possibly other things, I forget.
                          I still enjoy using Vray and in general it`s only a few issues keeping us from upgrading that can multiply when I have to keep track of them in day to day production for more than just me. I`m sure we`ll get there. I`ve thought of trying Corona instead(it`s ok to mention it now !) but in general Vray is faster for what we do, I haven`t tested Corona 1.7 yet though. The grass is always greener !
                          So I`m looking forward to the 3.6.04 release notes list. It`s why I think a regularly updated release notes post which shows whats fixed in nightlies without having to download the files would be useful, it would let us know if issues that affect us have been fixed, although I appreciate it takes time.
                          oh and i`m generally cheery, I just like Squidward.!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by anthonyh View Post
                            It`s why I think a regularly updated release notes post which shows whats fixed in nightlies without having to download the files would be useful, it would let us know if issues that affect us have been fixed, although I appreciate it takes time.
                            If it wasn't too time consuming, this would be awesome.


                            • #29
                              anthonyh The slowdown is already gone (it happened originally because some code related to the full light selects was not implemented in an optimal way because we couldn't break the SDK). I also have an experimental solution for the subpixel clamp that I'm currently testing and it seems to work well so far.

                              Best regards,
                              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                              • #30
                                HI Vlado,
                                thanks for replying. Great to know you`ve fixed the speed issues and also maybe have a solution for the clamp issue. If the IES reflection noise can be solved as well we could possibly make the upgrade pretty soon. I look forward to the new release !
                                (To be fair, we haven`t had a animation job from that particular client for a while so we might even be able to live without it as we don`t really use ies that much, it`s just relying on me remembering to switch off adaptive for specific cases can be unreliable.)

