Did anyone hear about this news? A number of sites have begun reporting about a very big security vulnerability which has been found in all Intel CPUs produced in the past 10 years. It's a hardware, not a software level problem (pertaining to the architecture of the CPU itself) which if not patched can allow hackers to attack the PC. What's worse is that if the vulnerability is patched (and it most certainly will or the PC will be vulnerable to hacks) this will cause anywhere from 5% to up to 30% performance decrease after patching depending on the specific model of your Intel CPU.
If true, doesn't sound good at all. We've got some Intel machines used as render servers.
Any ideas if this patch will also decrease Intel CPU performance in software such as Vray, 3ds Max, Photoshop or any other widely used ones? It is also said in the news that AMD processors don't have this security problem so thankfully no patch for them is needed. I guess good thing we already replaced most of our machines with AMD ones a few months ago?
If true, doesn't sound good at all. We've got some Intel machines used as render servers.
