hi all, i have a flythrough to render which contains dozens of 3d people. ive tried calculating every frame, but in order to get no flickering, i have to whack the settings up waaaay high, to the point where i get 9 hr frames. obviously this is useless, so ive settled on calculating the lighting for the building, minus the people, then adding the people and setting to incremental add to current map. this means the people get a degree of bounce lighting (not accurate i know but... ) and i dont have to do any more comping. (already 8+ layers to comp...) problem is, i have to calculate lighting with people hidden at first, to avoid contact shadows in the initial people positions. this is fine on my workstation, but when i send to net render, how on earth do i tell the renderboxes which irradiance map to load?? if i do "from file" and choose a map, i cant do "incre mental add.." and if i do incremental add, i cant specify a map to load.....
any ideas? dont wanna have to render this locally!
any ideas? dont wanna have to render this locally!