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Convert VRMat xml files to 3dsMax VRayMtl materials.

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  • Convert VRMat xml files to 3dsMax VRayMtl materials.

    Before I try and make sense of the xml structure in .vrmat files, has anyone else tackled this in Maxscript?
    We have VRay for Revit, Sketchup, Rhino and Max. We also have 3dsMax 2017 where the Python editor of .vrmat materials does not function. Even if the editor were working, I'd like to create the same material libraries for Max as come with other VRay platforms.

    is there a key to the .vrmat structure or some other way I can parse the files in a consistent manor?



  • #2
    I started scripting something for this a while back because I was getting a lot of client files done in Rhino and V-Ray for Rhino. Just looking at the xml I thought I had a good idea, until somebody pointed out to me that the components used from the Rhino side even though it's a VRay material, may not necessarily be VRay components (apparently). For example in Max you have the normal VRay Material which is a VRay "component", but then there's so many different things you can stick into the diffuse slot for example, bitmap, noise, bercontile, color correction etc. So I stopped development as it would be a HUGE undertaking. (Also I didn't have access to Rhino to test stuff and troubleshoot)

    One thing I did notice was that the gamma setting was almost always wrong in the Rhino Material compared to loading the same file into Max. I usually manually edited the xml to fix that. That may however just have been a gamma setting in Rhino from the client's side I'm guessing

    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Thanks, Morne.
      It is a beast of a task if I were to take on all possibilities, cover all the various procedural maps in all three platforms we use, Revit/Rhino/Sketchup. That's too much for me as well. But I'd like to grab all parameters, bools/ints/floats as well as maps which are bitmap type.

      The guys at did a great job of tackling all of the Autodesk Materials; there are well over 100 different types!
      We have licenses of that and couldn't live without it going from Revit to 3dsMax/VRay.

      My effort here is only focused on the standard library of .vrmat materials that ships with VRay for Revit/Rhino/Sketchup. I'd like to batch convert those to VRayMtl. If I complete something useable, I'll share it.


      • #4
        Wanted to tag on here to see if anyone has any other solution for this. I bought some TurboSquid models with vray materials, but turns out they're actually .vrmat files loaded in to VrayVRmatMtl so I can't edit without rebuilding VrayMtls manually since the Editor doesn't work in 2017+. I need to either decipher the xml or load it into Vray for SketchUp and try to mirror the settings between apps.
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        • #5
          I have not, sadly. I'm not an XML expert and haven't wrapped my head around how to unpack all of the parameters in the .vrmat files.


          • #6
            I'm assuming from reading this thread, if I understand correctly, that no one has yet managed to convert the Rhino Vray material library into a user-usable form in 3dsmax? Like others, I can load a Vray Rhino material into 3dsmax with the VrayVRmatMtl but that does not give any editability. Opening the two softwares side-by-side and manually transferring numbers and textures is a hassle and does not always come out equally.

            If someone has figured this out, would you please share your solution?



            • #7
              Transferring map between package is almost impossible unless you only uses bitmap.
              I personally would not even try to do this other than very specific set of maps.

              if ever all DCCs support OSL then, there is a chance this can be done.
              But, as of now only possible solution is get "most" of parameter(maybe 80%) and clean up manually.

