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Motion Blur killing renders

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  • Motion Blur killing renders

    I have a scene were motion blur is enabled. The camera's FOV "zooms in" and I have motion blur enabled on the camera. Before the zoom, the frames take about 20 minutes to render. When the zoom started, the render times jumped to 4.5 hours, and then started crashing the renders and it wouldn't finish. I'm rendering them on 2 machines. One has 12 3.2Ghz Xeon cores, the other has 16 3.4 Xeon cores. Both computers have 192 Gb of RAM.

    I would imagine that motion blur wouldn't be this much of a problem isn't it's a fairly standard option when rendering animations. Is there anything I can do to stop the crashes?

  • #2
    I've not used other than a quick test so i'm no expert, but could you add the motion blur in post? Use the vrayvelocity element as a layer in after Effects (or anything similar) to blur the image/animation


    • #3

      Motion blur shouldn't cause issues generally. It needs more RAM but with 192Gb you are probably safe One thing that comes to mind is if you have some heavy view dependent displacement that produces too much geometry when the camera zooms in.

      It would be best if you could send the scene to our support and they can check what happens. Other than that - when you get crashes Max should create crash dumps called 3dsmax_minidump.dmp located in your temp folder. Sending such dump or attaching it here might also help.

      Best regards,
      Yavor Rubenov
      V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


      • #4
        We found out it wasn't actually the motion blur, but a displacement map we had, which is another odd issue. But the vrayvelocity element was a good idea, it led us down the track of ReelSmart MotionBlur which will save us a bunch of time! So thank you for that tip! But why is the one displacement map on the material crashing the renders?

