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  • Antialiasing

    Does anyone know what the best Antialiasing filter is for animation presumably it is video ? Just wondering if anyone has used anything else with better results and any hints or tips ?

    Many Thanks

  • #2
    soften with radius of 3 is good, also mitchel netravalli is good produces nice and sharp.
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      I would love some advice on AA settings for animation. I have been using VRAY for a few years now, and for stills it can't be beat - easy to get great results very fast.

      I have always been able to get lightning fast PAL size renders, but NEVER something that did not suffer flickering problems, and settings that squash the worst of the issues result in render times that frankly aren't very fast at all. And they still have small bits of geometry pop in and out of existence, especially thin vertical poles.

      I would love to know what I am missing...

      I would have thought that AA filter to soften, radius 3.0, simple level with a base of 2 and fine of 4 would do it.

      Using 1.09 of course...


      • #4
        good question, we have been experimenting with AA here recently as well. It is sometimes very difficult to get an absolutely clean animation to come out of vray with absolutely no noise and other artifacts. We even tried rendering out double res and resizing, but found the quality difference to be negligible compared to the added render time...

        We've used mitchell in the past and its nice for its added controls...

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."

