Hello, thanks for looking in. I'm working on a scene in Vray Next
and my comp isn't matching my RGB in some areas. I have some images below to help explain it a bit more. I'm having 2 issues.
Best Regards,

- The grass and trees are not comping 1:1. Using Forest Pack, Fake Shadows, and the occassional 2SidedMtl's. There are some differences that I thought were because I didn't have a SSS2 or refraction pass in the comp, but those are rendering pure black so that's not it. I thought maybe because I'm using "Fake Shadows" but the rocks are comping fine that way. Huh.
- Also areas of dirt around the objects are not comping 1:1. I'm using the triplanar tex on diffuse and opacity inside the dirt material, but only a VrayDirt for the blend mask. The resulting dirt however seems to be not part of the final comp, and I don't really know why. Is it because I used the triplanar on opacity or do I need to check a new box inside the VrayDirt that I'm missing? I'm stumped.
Best Regards,