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KB4343909 issues

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  • KB4343909 issues

    So I experienced some issues with DR and slow renders and I think it is caused by the KB4343909 update.
    Render slaves will refuse to connect no matter what scene I use.. (can't think of anything simpler then a teapot and vraylight... still crashes DR)
    Also not sure what happened, but local rendering went extra slow.. from 15 seconds of IR pass to 7 minutes..

    I did a system image restore to all machines (from before this update) and everything seemed to work again as before.
    But as soon as the update kicked in - everything is broken all over again

    Anyone else experienced it?

    Forget to add a little bit of context.
    WS is an AMD Threadripper 1950x@4.0ghz, 32GB Ram, GTX 1080, Windows 10 Pro, 3dsmax 2016sp4 and latest Vray 3.6.
    The 2nd WS is exactly the same.
    The Render slaves are i7 6700, 32GB Ram, Windows 10 Pro, 3dsmax 2016sp4 and latest Vray 3.6.

    I got some more progress today.
    While the render slaves will not connect at all, I got the 2nd WS connect via DR. Problem is it renders only black buckets.
    And once again - if the update removed everything is good again.

    Progress next comment
    Last edited by 3dcrgr; 02-09-2018, 11:51 PM.
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  • #2
    I learned that me changing my NAS to SMB 3 from SMB 1 was a big mistake.
    This caused various issues like-
    1. Render slaves refuse to load maps/proxies from NAS.
    2. Sometimes when the Render slaves did load into render, the maps/proxies were "transferred" to them passing thru the WS where usually they were supposed to access the NAS data directly.
      This caused a major slow down and eventually they never kicked in.
    3. As SMB 3.0 is generally told to be slower then SMB 1 (especially for ARM cpus due to encryption or whatever) the NAS struggled with pushing all of those textures.
      I even had the NAS giving up once and resulted with black buckets in the render.
    Returning to SMB 1 (though its not recommended by some communities) pretty much solved all my problems so far with slowdown and black buckets.
    But, installing KB4343909 update still won't let DR work in the most simple scenes. A scene with a teapot and a vraylight will instantly drop a DR error.

    Hope someone finds this helpful.
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