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Vray Next, Max2019: Standard materials don't render properly, Vray mat's can't achieve same effects...

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  • Vray Next, Max2019: Standard materials don't render properly, Vray mat's can't achieve same effects...

    I know Vray is mostly used for architecture and physical materials are often all people need, but for those of use who do graphic/effects based work, standard materials can achieve effects that Vray materials are incapable of. So imagine our horror to find Vray Next has lost most of it's ability to render Standard Materials (Vray 3.6 still renders properly). See the attached images for just one example of what I mean.

    There is a buggy workaround: if you house a Standard Material in a Standard Blend Material (which is considered incompatible), it forces Vray to render correctly, so clearly the renderer is still capable.

    Chaosgroup: please don't remove Standard Material functionality- we rely on it!

    Edmund Earle, director of animation at Edgeworx Studios...

  • #2
    I would actually prefer if we make the VRayMtl material to work in this case - will make a note to look into it. The work-around with the Blend material will be impossible in the next major update. It might be possible to fix the Standard material for this case though.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Can you try this workaround

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_1.png
Views:	515
Size:	66.8 KB
ID:	1019734
      If it was that easy, it would have already been done

      Peter Matanov


      • #4
        Thanks Slizer- I think i mentioned Vray has issues with the backfacing side of the VrayBumpMtl- there is a workaround but overall the number of steps make it inefficient. There are other effects that are much easier for the standard material to accomplish- so we hate to see that functionality go!


        • #5
          Ok, will make the VRayMtl act like the Standard mtl.
          If it was that easy, it would have already been done

          Peter Matanov


          • #6
            Thank you Slizer and Vlado for the feedback!

