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Deep EXR in AE - Zdepth with white outlines

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  • Deep EXR in AE - Zdepth with white outlines


    I've been trying out the new ProEXR v2.0 in After Effect CS6 and am having a problem right off the bat with Zdepth in AE from a 3ds max render.
    The attached image shows a white outline around all objects in the render, when extracted in AE using the "ExtractoR" effect.
    The Zdepth looks perfect both in the Vray frame buffer and if I save out normally using Vray's "Separate render channels".

    * Rendering from Max 2019 with Vray 3.60.04 using "V-Ray raw image file" and saving as OpenEXR (Deep checked)
    * I used both a Physical camera and the legacy Vray camera (both give same white lines in AE)

    Is this a bug or am I missing something?

    Many thanks!
    Attached Files
    Graham Macfarlane
    3D Studio Max, Vray and motion graphics specialist
    Elyarch Ltd - London UK

  • #2
    Does after effects even support deep compositing / deep exrs?


    • #3
      I thought it was supposed to if you install ProEXR v2.0.
      Please correct me if I'm wrong!
      Graham Macfarlane
      3D Studio Max, Vray and motion graphics specialist
      Elyarch Ltd - London UK


      • #4
        Hmm, it might read the files but won't be able to use deep data so you're making your files bigger and possibly causing errors in other passes! I think it's still only nuke that supports deep?


        • #5
          I see.
          I missunderstood the extent of what ProEXR v2.0 was bringing to AE.
          Thanks for your help!
          Graham Macfarlane
          3D Studio Max, Vray and motion graphics specialist
          Elyarch Ltd - London UK


          • #6
            I think ProEXRv2.0 coming to AE has enabled us the use of Cryptomatte. It lets us get perfect mattes in AE with the use of Cryptomatte exported EXRs from VRAY.
            It's surprisingly good actually.


            • #7
              Thanks, Lardbros.
              I've been using Cryptomatte in Photoshop recently and it's proving very handy (once you get used to having to hunt through a long list of matte layers!)

              I thought Cryptomatte wasn't supported in AE!
              I will give it a go now!
              Graham Macfarlane
              3D Studio Max, Vray and motion graphics specialist
              Elyarch Ltd - London UK

