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Nvidia AI Denoiser doesn't work on VRayFastSSS Materials in NEXT GPU?

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  • Nvidia AI Denoiser doesn't work on VRayFastSSS Materials in NEXT GPU?

    So I'm getting great results with the nvidia GPU denoiser, but it doesn't seem to "see" any material that's set to the FastSSS. Standard VRayMTLs get smooth properly, and look brilliant! The other issue I'm seeing is that the Global Illumination render element doesn't get denoised. For more than a few reasons, I need to use the Nvidia denoiser for my renders. So, here's what I'm seeing - the characters helmet is a combo of standard vray mtls. Looks great!

    But as you can see, the NVidia denoiser made a hash out of the SSS material on his face. My suspicion is that this is because VRay is outputing garbage bump normals for those materials.

    You can see anything with a SSS material has just crazy noisy normals - the dudes face, the tubes in the background, etc.
    Is there any way to get proper normals on SSS materials to get the denoiser to work properly?

  • #2
    Any thoughts?


    • #3
      Is there any way to force the bumpnormals channel to output the correct normals? I've done just about everything I can think of, but it doesn't seem to be working.


      • #4
        This is a bug that is fixed in the latest nightly builds; if you want, we can get you a build for testing (although keep in mind that nightly builds are WIP) - just email me to

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          If I already have access to the nightly builds (from my lens flare escapades) would that work well enough? Thanks, guys! Appreciate the fix. This is the video it's going into, BTW - the lighting and visuals VRay is providing are top-notch, and making me look good with very little effort.


          • #6
            Okay, so the most recent nightly build I can get still has the issue. The build is, and as you can see, the normal mtls denoise properly, whilst the skin doesn't. when I swtich the material to a normal VRayMTL, the denoiser works properly. Anyhow, if the fix is in another castle..hmm, nightly build, no worries.


            • #7
              ..Am I looking at the correct nightly build? Thanks!

