Several times I noticed, that when I load an VRayMtl, created by an older version of VRay from a Max Material Libary and then create a clean fresh VRayMtl from scratch with exatly the same parameters and maps, the material looks different and rendertimes are different too.
In most cases the rendertimes suffer when i render with old materials in a new VRay build.
I don't want to spend hours for recreating and testrendering my good and proven materials, just to fix render performance leaks. For me thats a factor of beeing fast and efficient at work when I can reuse stuff i created before and just have to load it.
Is there a way -maybe a maxscript- that looks automatically into the "old" VRayMtls and create fresh VRayMtls with the same parameters and maps as new versions or replace the old ones?
If not, then its definately a whish of mine
Several times I noticed, that when I load an VRayMtl, created by an older version of VRay from a Max Material Libary and then create a clean fresh VRayMtl from scratch with exatly the same parameters and maps, the material looks different and rendertimes are different too.
In most cases the rendertimes suffer when i render with old materials in a new VRay build.
I don't want to spend hours for recreating and testrendering my good and proven materials, just to fix render performance leaks. For me thats a factor of beeing fast and efficient at work when I can reuse stuff i created before and just have to load it.
Is there a way -maybe a maxscript- that looks automatically into the "old" VRayMtls and create fresh VRayMtls with the same parameters and maps as new versions or replace the old ones?
If not, then its definately a whish of mine
