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vraydirt "doublesided" setting has no effect

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  • vraydirt "doublesided" setting has no effect

    as i understand it (and as described in the help files) the doublesided setting should be the same as combining an inverted dirtmap with a non inverted one.. shading along edges and also creases.

    in both viewport ipr and production progressive render (cpu) the doublesided tickbox has no effect, i get either creases or edges, depending on wether invert is ticked.

  • #2
    anyone from vray to answer this... would be cool if this would work how we understand it...faster than vraycomptex.else it would be good if someone could explain it.


    • #3
      Seems doing what it should be?
      Last edited by matanov; 12-09-2019, 06:00 AM.
      If it was that easy, it would have already been done

      Peter Matanov


      • #4
        ok, looks good, but what is the difference here? not possible to get both edges calculated, inner and outer ones ?
        Attached Files


        • #5
          seems to work in your single sided example Peter, but in my test (very similar to thomes' one) i would expect doublesided to put shading in the creases and also along the outer edges. see attached.

          the help files describe doublesided like this: "This creates an effect where both crevices and edges are occluded. "

          seems it only has an effect on single sided geometry?


          • #6
            The thing is that "double sided" makes the effect to appear on the backsides of the faces where it should be calculated initially depeding on the normals, it doesn't change the place. It's kind of confusing, I admit. For the effect you desire you can use VRayCompTex with 2 VRayDirts (invert normals on and off) or VRayCurvature.
            If it was that easy, it would have already been done

            Peter Matanov


            • #7
              ok thanks. maybe change the description in the help file as it sounds like it should do what i describe.. its also doubly confusing since im duplicating a corona scene where "inside, outside, both" are the options in coronaAO, and that does behave as i describe.

