So ^Lele^ kindly checked out the scene. He found that it was a shadow sampling issue and recommended using a max sample of 100 and a target noise threshold at the default of 0.01. Acknowledging the render times would be huge. The render times were crazy, so I started to look into why the shadows were a problem. I found the actual problem! It's one of the plane lights. It's actually perfectly aligned to the surface of a box object, so I think it's almost z-fighting with it (one frame is semi in the geometry, the next semi out). I've moved it a bit outside of the box and now everything is fine. Can't believe it was something so simple. Been using Vray for years and never done this, what are the odds that I do it on the first scene with Vray 5 which leads me to think it's Vray 5. Note to all, never use the 'autogrid' for aligning a light to a surface plane!
. Thanks again ^Lele^ for looking at the scene.
