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Vray 4.30.02 - 3dsmax & Houdini Fur pipeline

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  • Vray 4.30.02 - 3dsmax & Houdini Fur pipeline

    Hello ,

    we are trying to setup a Fur pipeline with Houdini and importing into 3dsmax for rendering.
    (windows, 3dsmax 2021.1, vray 4.30, houdini 18.0)

    - groom & shading into Houdini
    - export to vrayScene and vrayMesh (to compare witch method is best)
    - import in max as vrayScene or vrayProxy

    and we have a problem with maps that are not imported in the vrayProxy.
    Actually we are picking the shader in the vrayScene, but this could be the good way to do. How do you transfert correctly a shader from Houdini to 3dsmax ?

    Left is missing map, right is ok
    Click image for larger version

Name:	VeayHoudini.JPG
Views:	265
Size:	154.3 KB
ID:	1084025

    Do you have any advice for this kind of workflow.
    FileSize for exported vrayScene full of fur are huge. Do we have any optimization process ?

    Thanks !

  • #2
    We're using Houdini for fur and sim too but not for shading, our workflow is simple, we export the animated fur in alembic with whatever attributes we need, and import in max via vrayproxy. Works ok, file sizes are huge but other than that it's the only solution we have if we want to groom and sim in Houdini. Haven't tried vrscene due to it's enormous limitations right now...


    • #3
      What limitations do you have found for vrayscene ? for the moment we found it pretty nice except for file size & not pixel perfect render between Houdini & 3dsmax

