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Vray 5.1 - random by element using the same seed for copies / instances

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  • Vray 5.1 - random by element using the same seed for copies / instances

    Heya folks!

    Really liking all the possibilities with the random texture coordinates and the colour variation options in the multisubtex! I notice if I have an instance or a copy of an object then i'll get the same random seed on all of them (the two in the bottom row) but if I attach them together (the top two) I'll get a different seed on my second set of elements - is the random algorithm mapping each element's number in the mesh to a new variation or similar? Do you think it'd be possible to have a different seed per object as well as element? Click image for larger version

Name:	random_by_element.jpg
Views:	324
Size:	49.9 KB
ID:	1106833

    Attached Files

  • #2

    Let's say it's doable, but what about if someone wants to have the same seed on all objects?
    If it was that easy, it would have already been done

    Peter Matanov


    • #3
      This is very true, I wasn't sure if it was a design choice or not! I'd want to keep my scenes smaller so not attaching the meshes gives me more flexibility but as an environment artist would likely want the random seed per object too. I like the way the uvw randomizer works with a series of tick boxes to let you stack options as an example. Currently I've got an area of repeating tiles so using the clone modifier to copy them is working, there'll be other objects in the same scene that won't have a regular spacing though so I can't use this method.

      Minor thing and it'd be great if it was easy to implement, it's brilliant to have random element at all!


      • #4
        Indeed we can rework it similar to the UVW randomizer, but I've to check with the devs about the least dangerous way to do it
        If it was that easy, it would have already been done

        Peter Matanov


        • #5
          ha ha ha I don't envy you guys at all - every little thing you do can be a gigantic line of dominos. It's much appreciated, there's some great artistic upgrades in vray 5.x!

