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3ds Max UI very sluggish when IPR Is running

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  • #31
    I'm on a 7950X on win 10 (slightly different, indeed.), and have no such issue, surely not generally, and i do get to render and debug a few heavy user scene often enough.

    Is there any constant in the way you work (i.e. how your scenes are built) that may be causing this?
    Does it slow down simply opening IPR on an empty scene, or a plane and a light?
    Is it with trees, scatter, particles, volumes, anything specific you could point out?

    anything at all would help.
    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


    • #32
      To be clear, the slowdowns affect only the material editor. The IPR view itself updates reasonably quickly when moving the camera, no problems there.
      But the material editor can become very sluggish : navigation, moving nodes, dragging connections, creating new nodes, everything becomes very slow.

      As I had some free time this morning I decided to make a video recording to illustratte the behaviour. Sure enough everything went smoothly. As if 3ds max knew it was being recorded and decided to behave himself
      But after 30 minutes the slowdowns started kicking in. It seems that the IPR needs to be restarted a few times becfore the malfunction start happening.
      So in the end I was able to make a very short video capture that goes straight to the point and shows the Slate Material Editor slowdown when IPR is active
      Here is a link to the video :



      • #33
        Originally posted by theedge View Post
        To be clear, the slowdowns affect only the material editor. The IPR view itself updates reasonably quickly when moving the camera, no problems there.
        But the material editor can become very sluggish : navigation, moving nodes, dragging connections, creating new nodes, everything becomes very slow.

        As I had some free time this morning I decided to make a video recording to illustratte the behaviour. Sure enough everything went smoothly. As if 3ds max knew it was being recorded and decided to behave himself
        But after 30 minutes the slowdowns started kicking in. It seems that the IPR needs to be restarted a few times becfore the malfunction start happening.
        So in the end I was able to make a very short video capture that goes straight to the point and shows the Slate Material Editor slowdown when IPR is active
        Here is a link to the video :
        This is much more useful, thanks a lot!
        Have you got a chance to see if this happens also in max 2024?

        I ask as the pre-2024 slate is QT wrapped into Win32, and that is well known to be slow (everything you see is born one way, and transformed ont he fly in something else.), and severely single-cored (the translation and drawing of the win32 UI controls is.).
        As mentioned in a blog post about the QT-Fication of V-Ray, the win32 translator is known to become progressively (much!) slower, the more controls it draws within the single Max session.
        So, that's more on the win32 translator than it is on us (i.e. not much we can do about it on our side.), particularly as i assume the scene you recorded with isn't anything special, and you mentioned it's time-dependent.

        We'll try and repro this on our side as well, but it'd be cool if you could see if the same scene, under the same-ish conditions misbehaves with the QT Slate material editor in 2024.
        Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

        The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


        • #34
          Unfortenately my 30 day trial of 3ds max 2024 ended recently and I'm not planning to upgrade to their rent-only version in the near future, so I'm stuck with 2023 for now.
          I wish I knew earlier about all that QT stuff. Very interesting ! I see why testing the scene with max 2024 would be helpful.



          • #35
            Umh, you could try working for a while in the compact material editor, see if the slowdown happens again.
            At least, that is native win32 UI for the editor, and Qt controls for what the editor shows (our maps and materials).

            We'll do our research as well, but i doubt we'll have success now, after so long trying.
            Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

            The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


            • #36
              To keep this thread updated : I recently upgraded to max 2024 and latest v-ray 6 and the slowdowns in IPR are just as severe as they used to be in max 2023.


