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Substance to 3ds max Vray work flow?

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  • Substance to 3ds max Vray work flow?

    Hi, I'm trying to load textures from Substance to 3ds max but I see an incorrect result compared to one I have in the substance. I tried loading textures through substance2 shader which seems to give another result and is limited to presets of SBSAR files(I want to import my own painted material from substance). I've tried to bake the textures from substance 2 to the explorer and then reload it manually through Vraybitmap in order to compare the results. It showed that I get two different results, with diffuse only, why is that?
    I'd like to know, what is the correct workflow when working from substance to 3ds max Vray and Quixel to 3ds max Vray.
    Why is there a difference in diffuse between substance.2 and Vraybitmap?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Another example in the texture difference. I use the same HDRI, no additional lights except dome, and Auto camera exposure enabled.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I noticed you've plugged a map in the Roughness slot, which affects the diffuse and is different from the PBR Roughness. In the BRDF rollout of the VRayMtl, select the "Use Roughness option" to adjust the shader for the PBR workflow. Afterward, plug the PBR Roughness map in the "Reflection Roughness" slot.
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Originally posted by hermit.crab View Post
        I noticed you've plugged a map in the Roughness slot, which affects the diffuse and is different from the PBR Roughness. In the BRDF rollout of the VRayMtl, select the "Use Roughness option" to adjust the shader for the PBR workflow. Afterward, plug the PBR Roughness map in the "Reflection Roughness" slot.
        Hi, thanks for helping me. I switched from diff. Roughness to refl. Roughness but that did not help much. I use this video as a guide, Instead of glossiness I use roughness.
        I've double-checked maps and shader slots are correct using this as reference . I've tested textures on new scene and still it seems that there is a color gap between what is shown in Substance and what is shown in Vray render.
        Any ideas where else I should look?


        • #5
          Have you used the correct (depending on how they are exported from Substance) color spaces for the textures and data maps? Otherwise, it would be best to send us a simple scene with the shader (and assets) so we can troubleshoot it. Mention me and include a link to this thread.
          Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            Hi KushKush

            We have emailed you on the ticket. Would it be possible to send us the 3dsmax scene file as well? You can find more in the ticket.
            Martin Minev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us

