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Matte object incorrect shadows

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  • Matte object incorrect shadows

    Hello! ive been working on this shot for a bit, and all looks good when rendering with the ipr. However, production rendering is giving me some very strong shadows on certain matte object-objects. Is this a bug? Ive tried with same results on both vray 5.3 and 5.2

    Click image for larger version

Name:	ipr 01.PNG
Views:	373
Size:	1.23 MB
ID:	1132146

    Click image for larger version

Name:	production render 01.PNG
Views:	317
Size:	1.16 MB
ID:	1132147

  • #2
    Hi the black areas in you second image looks strange indeed. Is it possible that you send your scene to so we can troubleshoot this?
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thank you! i submitted the file now


      • #4
        Thank you for sharing the files. I did a lot of tests with your scene. There is an issue regarding more than one matte object in a single scene and V-Ray GPU for now. It is logged under VGPU-3931 in our system. I have added your issue and bumped the priority of this task for our developers. We will notify you when the fix is done.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          vladimir_krastev There is an overall issue with Matte object and shadows in Vray GPU. It works completely wrong and different than CPU. This is critical


          • #6
            Originally posted by ensar_huskovic View Post
            vladimir_krastev There is an overall issue with Matte object and shadows in Vray GPU. It works completely wrong and different than CPU. This is critical
            Thanks for the feedback, this is near the top of our current priorities. I will let you know when there are updates on this issue

            Muhammed Hamed
            V-Ray GPU product specialist



            • #7
              Nice to hear its being prioritized. When you say youre going to work on it, are you only talking about the bug i reported, or on matte objects on GPU in general? (Refering to Ensar saying it works completely different than on CPU). - Its also interesting that it works fine (Not the same as on CPU, but still) when IPR rendering, but not when production rendering


              • #8
                Don't get too excited. I posted a material wrapper problem in vray gpu in January 2020 and it is still not fixed. Vray Gpu is completely neglected and unfinished product for how many years now? In my case, I have multi gpu system which makes my renderings 5 times faster than with cpu. So i had no other choice but to switch to Fstorm. Not mentioning the waste of money for vray. Every now and then I go back to see what was fixed in vray gpu but i always end up being disappointed.
                And attached is another example that shadow matte doesn't work the same in cpu and gpu

                tobias_eek can you tell me how you managed to make it work in IPR, I always get these squares in some part of the model which makes the rendering unusable.
                Attached Files

