On a animation featuring a car illuminated by a HDRI (https://polyhaven.com/a/sunflowers) I am struggling to remove fireflies / white specs that move over the body in certain areas. Setting the Max intensity to 0.001 doesn't remove it nor does sub-pixel mapping. Increasing the noise threshold to 0.01 makes it worse. The only settings that affect it are the HDRI specular and the coat layer parameters in the Vray Car Paint Material 2. I can increase the Coat glossy but then the reflections are too matte. I am using Vray5 Update 2.2 with the CPU render. Does anybody have any advice? to reduce or work around this issue? Thanks
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Dancing fireflies on animation
It's a common issue with bright sun disks in the hdri, or with a Vray sun with its disk visible.
You can try the suggestions here and it can help https://forums.chaos.com/forum/v-ray...in-reflections
Also, with the carpaint there are flakes, which can make it much worse, so try turning the flakes off if you don't really need them and it'd help too.
Hi you could also have a look at this thread https://forums.chaos.com/forum/v-ray-for-3ds-max-forums/v-ray-for-3ds-max-general/1123024-archviz-animation-fireflies-best-practice#post1123046
In my opinion your best option is to edit the hdri map. If you have a very small and extremely over bright source of light the chances of getting fireflies are high.
You could edit just a small area of the hdri image where values shoot through the roof and bring them down a bit.
If done right this will not change your lighting significantly and will remove the fireflies since they are generated only from a very small portion of the light coming from your dome.
Also if you can send your scene to https://support.chaos.com/hc/en-us/requests/new We will take a look at your setup and help you.