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VrayGLSLMat and render elements/channel

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  • VrayGLSLMat and render elements/channel

    Hey everyone !

    Does anyone have any idea why I can't get any custom channels in my render from a GLSL mat ? I'm trying the simplest example from the documentation, that says that the VFB should collect that channel.
    I've been searching if there was any hidden parameter or anything but no luck. Tried it in 3ds 2020 / Vray 5 as well as 3ds 2023 / Vray 6, same.

    Problem is, I also just tried that in Vray5 on Houdini and it works perfectly as described. Could this be broken in 3ds ? And more importantly is it fixable ? We are assessing our option for a stylized project so that would be awesome to have access to that
    Thanks a lot in advance !

    UNIT Image
    Last edited by unit_image; 13-10-2022, 02:50 AM.

  • #2
    Hello Alex,

    Yes, it seems to be broken in 3ds Max and I'm currently looking into it. At first glance, it looks fixable but I have to dig a bit deeper into the code.

    Best regards,


    • #3
      Awesome. Just in case, we opened yesterday a ticket with support on that issue, maybe you saw it.
      Thanks !


      • #4
        Yes, I saw it. Could you shed more light on your particular use-case? Do you intend to use identically named channels from within different shaders in order to collect results into a single channel?

        Best regards,


        • #5
          Yes that would be awesome. Since it's r&d on stylisation I wanted to use that system to output some custom elements for comps. And one example could be a quick dot(normal, custom direction) for some highlights. Which could be an extra tex. But if I was able to do that from different shaders I'd be able to use assets normal maps in the mix instead on one shader on the whole scene.
          That's how I'd love to use the system basically and which is somehow what I'm trying on Houdini for now with aovbinds

