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Viewport smoothing issue

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  • Viewport smoothing issue

    Anyone else having viewport issues with updated vray version? Seems like a smoothing issue - happens on objects (particularly editable meshes) that have a uvw map applied. disappears when I remove the uvw map. or also disappears if I place an edit poly on top of the editable mesh.

    see screenshots below:

  • #2
    Hi TerriBrown3D​.Could you please send a simple scene containing only the problematic geometry and assets through our support contact form? Please, mention this thread when you send the ticket.


    • #3
      ok sent, thanks. I deleted most of the objects in the scene bar a few. these objects were imported from SketchUp - not sure if that helps. seems like the issue is fine if it's an editable poly & not an editable mesh.

      In addition...I'm also having the same issue as this post:


      • #4
        Hi, I checked the scene. Due to the import from SketchUp, most of the geometry has a single smoothing group and also some vertices that would be nice to be connected, which are creating the effect described in the images. This issue is not directly related to V-Ray. So I recommend that you could check for a solution in a SketchUp forum or a 3DS Max forum.
        About the other issue that you discovered. Please keep an eye on the topic you linked. We are working on a solution.


        • #5
          ok great...thanks for the feedback

