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VFB save to JPG/PNG incorrect gamma curve.

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  • #16
    It's the same if I use the "custom" which has my hardware calibration selected. It toggles between what my renders look like in Windows viewer and VFB when I click srgb in that PS window too.

    Is there a special workflow I need to implement if I us windows colour profile with my hardware calibration loaded?


    • #17
      ACEScg is the default colour management in 3ds Max 2025. How much is the difference?
      There is a slight difference that is expected because the VFB is set up to use sRGB by default while the Windows photo viewer uses Gamma 2.2:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=14sVJ7pNXdn_BiBSFNFCPCKfYAar-o9C0&authuser=0.gif
Views:	239
Size:	2.14 MB
ID:	1214420
      Vladimir Krastev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #18
        Yeah, a slight difference. Like a little more saturated and contrasty in VFB. Like vibrance is added. Can I make VFB the same as the rest? Since that's what the client will see.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Crayox13 View Post
          It's the same if I use the "custom" which has my hardware calibration selected. It toggles between what my renders look like in Windows viewer and VFB when I click srgb in that PS window too.

          Is there a special workflow I need to implement if I us windows colour profile with my hardware calibration loaded?
          you need to load your icc profile into VRay frame buffer (Display correction)
          Marcin Piotrowski


          • #20
            Crayox13 I realized that the problem lies in the viewing apps, VLC was the only one showing the matching ACES color space from the FB, Windows photo viewer and even photoshop to this day cannot display the correct gamma on a jpg or png, colors are always washed out.
            Unfortunately VLC is not a great photo viewer to be used.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	W13minC6.jpg
Views:	190
Size:	461.5 KB
ID:	1215161
            Last edited by damaggio; 04-09-2024, 09:04 AM.


            • #21
              That's unfortunate. I'll try loading my ICC first though. Thanks!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Crayox13 View Post
                That's unfortunate. I'll try loading my ICC first though. Thanks!
                what is unfortunate is peddling on this forum information like:

                ACEScg is the default colour management in 3ds Max 2025
                Windows photo viewer uses Gamma 2.2

                OCIO is the default colour management system in Max​. VRay (since 2.0 I think) had ICC support (as a view lut) in VFB to compensate for this support missing from 3dsMax. ICC colour management system is still available in VRay alongside OCIO.

                Photo app on Win respects ICC profile from Win settings.
                Marcin Piotrowski


                • #23
                  I still work with Gamma workflow and try to switch to OCIO workflow. I am having the same issues as the author of this thread. When I try to save image from VFB to JPG or PNG I have a different gamma in saved file than what I have in VFB. If I copy image to clipboard and paste it to Photoshop or IrfanView, and save it to JPG/PNG than I have file with image what I have in VFB. Can someone explain how I suppose to save files from VFB to JPG directly, without shaman dances using other software, please?
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Vipera View Post
                    I still work with Gamma workflow and try to switch to OCIO workflow. I am having the same issues as the author of this thread. When I try to save image from VFB to JPG or PNG I have a different gamma in saved file than what I have in VFB. If I copy image to clipboard and paste it to Photoshop or IrfanView, and save it to JPG/PNG than I have file with image what I have in VFB. Can someone explain how I suppose to save files from VFB to JPG directly, without shaman dances using other software, please?
                    screenshot shows that you are not saving ocio transform from VFB (checkbox).

                    any ICC profiles in Win/Photoshop? you need to bring them to VFB. how do you keep your display displaying correct colours?

                    if you are using default ocio config from max you might actually be better off using just VRay’s build in ocio support and leave max in legacy gamma.

                    Marcin Piotrowski


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by piotrus3333 View Post

                      screenshot shows that you are not saving ocio transform from VFB (checkbox).
                      Oh, how did I miss this?! Shame on me! Thank you, that was it. After extensive testing OCIO I have figured out that I would better stick to Gamma workflow to keep compatibility with previous projects.


                      • #26
                        If any of you could help me with this one I would be quite grateful:

                        please share your profiled (software/colorimeter does not matter) srgb display icc (icm) colour profiles - for testing purposes.

                        Last edited by piotrus3333; 26-11-2024, 06:25 AM.
                        Marcin Piotrowski

