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Issue with VRayClipper and animation rendering

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  • Issue with VRayClipper and animation rendering

    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently having an issue with a VRay Clipper and I can't find if the bug comes from my scene, my modelling or from the clipper. Here is my situation :

    I got the 3D model of a complete building and I need to render an turntable of an apartment inside this building. To do this, I'm using a clipper in mesh mode which has the shape of the apartment I want to render (I need to render 30 frames)
    The first frame is always OK BUT when it comes to the second frame of my animation, the clipper seems to move away and I don't know why. This is driving me crazy because everything is fine when I'm making local rendering tests (no matter the frame).
    Of course, nothing in my scene is animated except the camera which is turning around the apartment.

    1st frame => Everything is good
    Click image for larger version

Name:	00.jpg
Views:	318
Size:	15.2 KB
ID:	1185203
    2nd frame => Clipper moving away :/
    Click image for larger version

Name:	01.jpg
Views:	260
Size:	19.5 KB
ID:	1185204
    ​The building is not very complex and the modelling seems OK.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	02.png
Views:	269
Size:	88.7 KB
ID:	1185205
    The mesh used for the clipper is a basic editable poly (closed geometry) and it looks like this :
    Click image for larger version

Name:	03.png
Views:	318
Size:	46.1 KB
ID:	1185202

    I made several tests :
    • Create a new clipper - Change the reference mesh - Merge all my objects in a new scene => Same issue
    • Render from a random starting frame instead of starting at 0 => The first rendered frame is OK and all the followings have the same issue
    • Disable mesh mode from the clipper => It seems to work fine (but of course I need to keep the mesh mode)
    • Render each frame in a separate "launch" instead of launching the full range in once => Seems to work but not really convenient
    So here are my questions :
    • Could it be caused by the modelling of the building ?
    • Why is this working when launching each frame separately and not when launching the full range ?
    • Do you have some clues/hints to make it work ? Did I missed something ?
    Thanks in advance !

    PS : I am using 3ds Max 2022 & VRay 5 : Update 2.2

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. This is a known issues that is yet to be fixed. It is reported under VMAX-11714 in our system. I will add your thread to it and raise the priority.
    Please check this thread regarding the same issue. There are ideas and possible solutions for workaround until the issue is fixed.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for your reply.

      So, I tried putting some keyframes on the mesh linked to the clipper. And with a tiny move during the animation, it works !! The clipper is not moving away anymore (adding keyframes without movement isn't working).

      Thanks for your help !

