It seems like IES lights aren't being picked up by the VrayRawLighting or VrayLighitng RE's. Here's a simple scene, just a box, an IES light and a camera:

VrayRawLighting and Vray Lighting RE (both are all black - was this even necessary to post?):

Weirdly the IES does show in the VrayTotalLighting RE but not the VrayGlobalIlumination RE(so where is it getting the IES light info from?):

I noticed this since a BacktoBeauty composite wasn't matching in another scene but I was able to workaround it by replacing the Lighting and GI RE's with just a TotalLighting RE. I missing something or do I have something tagged wrong?
Scene attached (substitute any ies file for the missing one as it doesn't seem to make a difference). Vray 6.20.02/max 2020
RE's missing IES
VrayRawLighting and Vray Lighting RE (both are all black - was this even necessary to post?):
Weirdly the IES does show in the VrayTotalLighting RE but not the VrayGlobalIlumination RE(so where is it getting the IES light info from?):
I noticed this since a BacktoBeauty composite wasn't matching in another scene but I was able to workaround it by replacing the Lighting and GI RE's with just a TotalLighting RE. I missing something or do I have something tagged wrong?
Scene attached (substitute any ies file for the missing one as it doesn't seem to make a difference). Vray 6.20.02/max 2020
RE's missing IES