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UV distortion

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  • UV distortion

    Hello, I need advice. In Cinema4D Redshift, I can create distortion on a texture or UV coordinates in the manner shown in the image.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image (5).png
Views:	152
Size:	1.13 MB
ID:	1200448

    Could you please guide me on how to achieve this effect in 3ds Max Vray?

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. You could use VRayBitmap. It has a built in noise that you could enable and adjust:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2024-01-23_14-21-00.jpg
Views:	172
Size:	363.3 KB
ID:	1200468
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Have a look at this thread. I write an OSL to do this. Look for the last test scene in the thread for the newest version.

      Not sure if that issue I reported ever got fixed, though. (Crash after rendering and writing output file when running on standalone on Linux.)​


      • #4
        Hi Joelaff the issue is not fixed but it is reported and it is on high priority. I will update your thread when we have anything ready.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Thanks for the update. Wasn’t trying to cross post on that, but rather offer the OSL for others who wanted texture displacement.

          Only linked to the thread so there would be full disclosure on the current issues— Linux rendering in standalone crashes at the end (but still writes the output) and including this in a material library or scene file you have loaded as a material library in Slate can cause crashes in Max (running Windows of course). So don’t do that…

